Honey has a dirty little secret: Your honey has been spiked and can be tainted with lead and antibiotics . Spiking honey is a common practice in the US. It means that corn syrup or other sweeteners have been added to honey to make it more affordable. In fact more than 75% of all honey…
“Prescribing” fruits and veggies would save $100 billion in medical costs
You have probably heard the famous quote by Hippocrates, “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” He recommended people to eat a nutrient-rich diet to prevent and treat diseases. We are what we eat. The foods we eat daily determine our health and wether will have diseases or not. Nutrients deficiencies and…
McDonald’s french fries found to contain ceramic tile ingredient and petroleum chemical
Once prized to the point of worship by Peruvian Incans, Potatoes have a long history of consumption by humans. When Spanish explorers to the new world brought potatoes to Europe in 1536, it was not long before you could find them in the spanish gardens of sailors. By a hundred years later they had spread across…
How to See without Glasses No Matter How Bad Your Vision is
You may be able to get rid of your glasses and improve your vision problems with ten vision habits. Have you heard of Bates Method? It is an alternative therapy of improving eyesight. Eye-care physician William Horatio Bates, M.D. (1860 – 1931) thoughts that almost all vision problems happen as a result of habitual strain…
Top Nail Polish Brands to avoid. Linked to Cancer
When most people think about reducing their toxic in-take, they usually remember to change their diet and focus on organic products. They usually look at their cleaning and personal products. However, one such personal product that is often overlooked is nail polish. People incorrectly assume that just because nail polish isn’t applied to your skin…
Chemical Found in Microwave Popcorn Linked to Irreversible Condition “Popcorn Lung”
The microwave popcorn we all so love most likely has been treated with a long list of toxic chemicals which inlude insecticides, herbicides, fungicides and fumigants. Microwave popcorn contains is loaded with all kinds of chemicals. Just look a the 2013 Agri-Chemical Handbook on Popcorn.org
Why You Should Apply Essential Oils to the Back of the Neck
Did you know that there are approximately 40 million trillion molecules in one drop of essential oil? Because the molecules of essential oils are so small, they are able to bring healing properties to the systems that control our physiological and mental states. In fact, when we apply essential oils to skin, they get absorbed…
Coconut oil better than DEET at repelling insects, compelling new research shows
Did you know that DEET has been linked to health problems like damage to the nervous and immune systems, sperm mutations, itching, seizures and more. According to a research from Duke University, tests show that after continuous exposure to DEET caused memory loss and other behavioral changes in rats. In fact, the Toxic Substances and…
Top 3 Oxygen Producing House Plants
It might surprise you but the indoor air we breath daily is the most dangerous to your health. In fact, indoor air pollution is often up to five times that of outdoor. Studies show dirty air can damage your brain and stress the body. Breathing it daily can cause headaches, allergies, hormone imbalances, asthma and…
A bamboo charcoal bag: Reduces Harmful Pathogens like Bacteria and Viruses in the Air
Would you be surprised to know that the air in your home can be 5 times worse than the air outside? This toxic air we breathe on a daily basis can lead to many health problems including allergies, asthma, migraines, and more. Fortunately, you don’t need to spend a lot of money on expensive air…