You probably know already that plants are great for getting more oxygen flowing in your house and improving air quality. But did you know that several plants can even help reduce anxiety, panic attacks and depression? In fact, research has established a direct link between oxygen levels and stress. High level of indoor toxins lead…
Milk Thistle protects, strengthens, and revitalizes the liver.
Living in a highly toxic world, our livers are working overtime! This leads many individuals feeling “sluggish” or “melancholy”. At worst, a poor functioning liver can lead to reliance on dialysis machines and/or early death. So, how can we give our live a little tune up? The answer lies in a natural supplement that comes…
U.S. Annually Uses 388 Million Pounds of Potentially Fatal Pesticides Banned in the EU, China and Brazil
When it comes to refusing harmful pesticides, the U.S. is largely behind the European Union (E.U.), China and Brazil, according to a study published in the journal Environmental Health. In fact, over 388 million pounds of pesticides are used in the United State (US) each year and approximately 5.6 billion pounds are used worldwide . This year jury in…
Activated charcoal Can Remove Mold Buildup, Years of Toxins and Poisons in Your Body
As the story goes, after drinking a lethal dose of strychnine in 1831, Professor Touery survived. It greatly surprised everyone. He simply mixed the poison with activated charcoal. Why? Because activated charcoal is the most effective substance in case of poisoning from any toxic substance. It greatly reduces the absorption of poisonous substances like mold…
How antidepressants ruin your natural serotonin. Use This Instead
Despite pharmaceutical industry claims about popular antidepressants drugs like Prozac, studies have discovered that these drugs are actually addictive, and can slow down or even completely stop the brain’s ability to produce serotonin.
A diet Rich in Soy Products Linked to Thyroid problems leading to hair loss, loss of libido, malaise, lethargy and weight gain
Many of the foods we eat today are made with partially hydrogenated oils such as soybean oil. Why? Because it’s a cheap, mass-produced oil that companies use in packaged, processed foods. These oils are very toxic; they can cause diabetes, cancer, heart disease and obesity.
Ginger Tea is as Effective for reducing pain as Ibuprofen and other NSAID medications
Ginger is a superfood. It possesses an amazing ability to enhance immunity, improve digestion and reduce inflammation. Ginger contains several essential oils that make up its distinct aroma and flavor: zingerone, shogaols, & gingerols. These oils are powerful anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-fungal and anti-parasitic agents. Ginger root promotes healthy digestion, boosts immunity, treats asthma, aids in…
How to use coconut oil to get rid of parasites and to cleanse your body of toxins
The Most Important Natural Supplement for Your Skin, Bones, and Joints Looking for a fast, effective and affordable way to detox? Perhaps a coconut detox is right for you! People really benefit from its effective removal of parasites, harmful bacteria’s and viruses from our body. So why is a coconut detox so effective? It’s because…
Sea Salt Dust: Will Put You Back to Sleep Fast
According to a research, 42% of Americans wake up in the middle of the night, with 29% of them not able to fall back asleep. When we sleep less than six hours per night, we are in danger of developing serious diseases.
Coconut Milk and Turmeric: Make You Fall Asleep Fast, Relieve Pain and Inflammation, Reduce cholesterol
This is a somewhat miraculous recipe with turmeric and coconut milk – the most multi-purposed mixture for many health conditions. Turmeric, the main ingredient in the drink, has been used in many cultures for thousands of years.