Crisco was introduced in June 1911 by Procter & Gamble; it was the first shortening to be made entirely of vegetable oil (cottonseed). It was the time when women stayed home and cooked with mostly butter and lard. The challenge for Crisco was to convince these women to switch to this shortening. So Proctor and…
Search Results for: soy
Subway is still junk food like McDonalds. Still Uses Dangerous, Toxic Ingredients
Most people believe that Subway is a healthy fast food chain. After all, they don’t use a deep fryer, they have wheat bread, and you can choose which fresh vegetables you want on your sandwich. However, this is not the case as a recent study shows. Researchers from the University of California at Los Angeles…
Low Carb Baked Parmesan Zucchini Curly Fries
These baked zucchini fries are low carb with freshly grated Parmesan cheese and an Italian spice blend. They’re low-carb, keto-friendly and gluten free. These fries make a delicious, healthy everyday snack. Zucchini is loaded with dietary fiber and water, and no fat. It also has high levels of vitamin B6, riboflavin, folate, vitamin C, and vitamin…
Studies have shown deficiency of high-quality protein can result in depletion of immune cells
Studies have found that deficiency of high-quality protein can lead to depletion of immune cells, inability of the body to make antibodies, and other immune-related problems. (study) Protein is essential for building and repairing body tissue and fighting viral and bacterial infections. Our antibodies and immune system cells rely on protein. Too little protein can…
Margarine: A combination of refined toxic oils and chemicals that have been created to look and taste like butter
For years, margarine has had a reputation as a healthy butter substitute. Margarine companies have done an incredible job of marketing it as a health food. Originally made from animal fat, it was replaced by chemists with other unnatural substances and turned it into a hardened stick that would look similar to butter. In fact,…
Warning: Do Not Let Anyone You Love Near a McDonalds
Are you still eating at McDonald’s? You won’t after realizing what you are really feeding your body – all the artificial and synthetic ingredients that are dangerous to us and our children’s health.
McDonald’s french fries found to contain ceramic tile ingredient and petroleum chemical
Once prized to the point of worship by Peruvian Incans, Potatoes have a long history of consumption by humans. When Spanish explorers to the new world brought potatoes to Europe in 1536, it was not long before you could find them in the spanish gardens of sailors. By a hundred years later they had spread across…
Chemical Found in Microwave Popcorn Linked to Irreversible Condition “Popcorn Lung”
The microwave popcorn we all so love most likely has been treated with a long list of toxic chemicals which inlude insecticides, herbicides, fungicides and fumigants. Microwave popcorn contains is loaded with all kinds of chemicals. Just look a the 2013 Agri-Chemical Handbook on
These Chips are linked to fatty liver, high blood sugar and blood pressure, liver toxicity, and neurotoxicity.
Have you ever tried to eat just one Doritos chip? It’s kind of impossible huh? Have you ever found yourself stuffing chips into your mouth faster and faster? If you answered yes to any of these questions you have experienced a man-made and totally engineered craving.
Your Grandparents Didn’t Have Thyroid Issues but You Do. Here is why
In 2002, I was told in a routine checkup that I had Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, an autoimmune condition that causes the body to attack its own thyroid tissue. And unfortunately, I just knew little about Hashimoto’s back then. I thought about my family history and I realized that none of my ancestors had any thyroid issues. It made…