Processed foods and chemical additives have ruined our entire body chemistry. When nourished properly, our bodies have everything to function properly! What we eat and put on our bodies affects how we feel, think, perceive and respond to the world around us. Some studies have found that acidic environments make cancer cells grow. So the notion is that a diet high in alkaline foods (high…
Watermelon Lemonade: Restore and repair your skin, bones, and joints
This recipe came about last week when my followers asked me how to add collagen to their daily regime. So I thought of creating collagen lemonade.It’s super simple to make, and only a few ingredients! It became one of my favorite ways to get in a healthy serving of watermelon and collagen protein that…
The Magic Lemonade that Helps with Anxiety, Headaches and Insomnia
Adding lemons and lemon essential oil is a great way to restore and detoxify your body. Lemons are very effectives at cleansing and purifying blood, liver and kidneys. Additionally, lemons produce an alkalizing effect on the body. Lavender lemonade treats anxiety and migraines successfully.
Unnecessary wisdom teeth extraction: What the Dental Industry is Lying About
Having one’s wisdom teeth extracted is a common procedure…roughly 10 million Americans have this done every year. But this begs the question, is the human design really that flawed? Were we created with body parts that are unnecessary and need to be surgically removed? Not according to the American Journal of Public Health which published…
How to Make Coconut Oil Sunscreen to Protect From Both UVA and UVB rays and Nourish Your Skin
The idea that sunscreen prevents cancer is a myth created by the sunscreen industry. The scientific evidence, finds quite clearly that sunscreen actually promotes cancer by blocking the body’s absorption of ultraviolet radiation, which produces vitamin D in the skin.
Old Fashioned Baking Soda found to be the most effective at removing pesticide residue
Researchers have found that baking soda can successfully eliminate up to 96% of pesticides from vegetables and fruits. In fact, studies have shown that baking soda is even more effective at removing pesticides than regular bleaching procedures. Since baking soda is highly alkaline, it is able to neutralize pesticides by breaking them down into molecules.