Did you know that most shampoo is a chemical mixture of many toxic ingredients? These chemicals are very harmful to you and to the environment.
Even shampoos claiming they have “all-natural ingredients” aren’t safe and dangerous. Manufacturers of these still use things ammonium laurel sulphate. Doesn’t sound all-natural, right? My rule is – if you can’t eat it, then you shouldn’t put it on your body.
Here are the main toxic ingredient you’ll want to avoid in shampoo:
- Sulfates – Sodium lauryl and laureth sulfates are foaming agents and can be contaminated with 1,4 dioxane, a probable carcinogen.
- Certain preservatives – These preservatives including parabens are linked to breast cancer and hormone disruption. Parabens have been discovered in low concentrations in breast cancer tumors and have the ability to weakly mimic estrogen.
- Artificial fragrances – The term fragrance is a term for thousands of chemicals that include hormone disrupting phthalates, as well as skin irritants and allergens.
Petroleum products – Ingredients that come from non-renewable resources are not environmentally friendly.
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Worst Shampoo Brands Linked to Brain and Kidney Damage, Headaches, Allergies, and Liver Tumors
If you are experiencing some health issues, the culprit may be your shampoo or other personal care products. Ingredients in most shampoo brands can cause asthma symptoms, sinusitis, allergies, and could even lead to cancer. Since your body can not recognize these ingredients, these chemicals wreak havoc with the immune system, causing viruses, colds, , and even fungal infections.
I recommend using all natural shampoos like these:
1. Puracy Natural Shampoo
Every ingredient in Puracy shampoo consists of plants or minerals. It contains a lot of nutrients like soap bark, ivy, black walnut leaf, ginseng, vitamins E and B5, aloe vera juice, and matricaria extract.
2. Acure Clarifying Shampoo
If you use a lot of product in your hair, clarifying shampoos will help to remove residual build-up and other impurities. Acure shampoo contains acai berry, blackberry, rosehips, pomegranate, sea buckthorn, aloe vera juice, rooibos leaf, sugar beets, calendula, matricaria, and coconut extracts.
You Must Detox from this life long exposure
According to the Environmental Working Group, the average newborn baby has 287 known toxins in his or her umbilical cord blood. Can you imagine how many chemicals and toxins you have been exposed to in your life?
The most effective and inexpensive way to detox your body is to take spirulina. According to many recent scientific studies, spirulina (find it here) helps support healthy detoxification of built up toxins from the body by binding to them. Thus, these toxins are carried out of the body through natural processes of elimination.
Wow! This is really scary. & this is probably why there are many cases of cancer.
Yes, unfortunately! Most conventional brands are just deadly.
So, what are the best brands to use?
Contact me to know more, I found the best (safe, effective, revolutionary and kind to the environment)
This is only part of the problem.. add all that too…
I think that most people have been too brainwashed to watch these.. and for most they do not have the time …
This mass experiment on our children is very eye opening, and of course most children are not effected straight away or else people would not allow it.. Add this to the chemical cocktail in our food/water and we have a what we have today.. very sick and dying children.
Of course, have all these chemicals been tested together to see what reaction that they might have with each other in our bodies?.. What little risk assessment done on such chemicals, is typically done on individual chemicals in isolation..
• Since the 1950s, the number of food additives allowed in U.S. food has grown from about 800 to more than 10,000
• GRAS, or “generally recognized as safe,” is a loophole created in 1958; food companies are tasked with determining such status for their own ingredients
• Once an additive is granted GRAS status by an industry-hired panel, the company doesn’t need to inform the FDA that the ingredient is used, and no independent third-party objective evaluation is required
Amen Gaye! And those are just the tips of the evil ice~burgs.
PRECISELY !!!! I had asked which brands I should be looking for and purchasing, and no one has replied with
Hi Ruth! I recommend this one. It’s the most natural and effective brand I’ve found https://amzn.to/2DKRbr9
I’ve looked and looked. Purecy may be a good one. I love their house products.
Monat is all natural and cruelty free. Has made such an impact on my hair after I went through my chemo treatment. Check out their products at mythreeboys.mymonat.com
If these are the worst, what are the best to use?
Hi Sharon! I buy mine from whole foods!
Can you please send this list of dangerous shampoos to my dad at [email protected]? My computer isn’t working right, and he uses some of these. PLEASE? Thank you!
Hi Wendy! Will do!
I am VERY interested and concerned about the shampoo, conditioner you posted to make us aware….how do I know which are safest? I am not super efficient on computer, can you advise me of choices….I am 81 years old.thank you
I use both Young Living shampoos and conditioners, and Morocco Method products, depending on what I feel like at the moment. I’ve used products from both companies for years, since I detoxed my entire house. Highly recommend both.
this was on the page with ACUE
seems a bit scary……. why would I have to do this ?
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