As we enter into the fall and winter season, millions will take supplemental vitamin C for immunity and/or to fight off seasonal colds and flus. However, almost all commercial brands of supplemental vitamin C use ascorbic acid as a vitamin C supplement in their products (ascorbic acid is a water-soluble synthetic vitamin C made from…
Turmeric Gummies: Work better than many fancy pharmaceuticals for colds, flu, sore throat and cough.
These healthy turmeric gummies made with honey and coconut oil are a great way to help fight off colds, flu, sore throat and cough. It’s a tasty snack that is perfect for the winter months, and, most importantly, all kids love it.
Why Hyaluronic Acid Is the Secret to Younger-Looking Skin
Let’s face it… we all want to have eternally beautiful and youthful looking skin. Who doesn’t right? It seems every year we see aging women with unlimited means (like the rich and famous) look younger and younger while we simply just age. It seems unfair but not surprising. After all, they can afford access to…
Tylenol Is By Far The Most Dangerous Drug Ever Made
One of the most common medical misconceptions is that over-the-counter medication (OTC) is safe and its prescription drugs that are dangerous. However, in fact, there are tens of thousands of calls to poison control centers each year about concerns related to OTC medications and overdose. Many of these are related to overdoses of OTC pain…
This Mushroom Stimulates Nerve Growth & May Reverse Alzheimer’s Symptoms
The health benefits of Lingzhi or reishi mushroom, are unbelievable. It’s widely known as the “mushroom of immortality” and the “king of herbs”. Taking the reishi mushroom in proper dosage helps your body to reset your health to its optimal health. Reishi mushrooms are able to reverse cell damage due to powerful antioxidant and antiaging…
Walgreens, CVS and Rite Aid have pulled heartburn products off their shelves over a detected link between Zantac and cancer
Another one bites the dust. This time it’s Zanatac, the popular over the counter (OTC) drug sold at almost all American drug stores. The histamine blocker Zantac is used to treat ulcers, heart burn and stomach acid problems. Walgreens, CVS and Rite Aid have all pulled the product off their shelves out of “an abundance…
Air fresheners emit numerous substances associated with cancer, neurotoxicity, and endocrine disruption.
In most home bathrooms, you will find a can of air freshener. In many public bathrooms, the spraying of air freshener is done via automatic spraying devices. These are supposed to “freshen” the air we breathe, however, what it really does is toxify the air we breathe…and with heavy toxins at that!
Given to Cancer Patients, The #1 Nutritional Drink Can Actually Cause Cancer
Overall, roughly 42% of all Americans are considered vitamin deficient. Some vitamins, like vitamin D and E, the number is more like 60-70% deficiency! For senior citizens these numbers can be even more drastic as they are more often not consuming a vitamin and mineral rich diet due to a variety of reasons such as…
Study reveals that shrimp contain a cocktail of drugs and pesticides
When you sit down to eat that plate full of shrimp, you are also unknowingly eating sewage, and many illegal drugs. “… according to a new independent report, the Chinese aquaculture industry crams fish and shellfish into facilities to maximize production, generating large amounts of waste, contaminating water and spreading disease (Food & Water Watch…
The FDA Admits: Birth Control Pills Can Cause Heart Attack, Breast Cancer, Liver Problems, Weight Gain and More
The modern pill was Introduced in the 1960’s, it quickly became one of the most popular birth control methods in the world. However, this new pill contained really high levels of estrogen and progestin which had many dangerous side effects. The amount of hormones in the pill was 10 times than needed for contraception. The…