The ketogenic diet is a low carb, moderate protein, and high fat diet which puts the body into a metabolic state known as ketosis. A ketogenic diet requires that 50 to 70 percent of your food intake come from beneficial fats, such as coconut oil, grass-pastured butter, organic pastured eggs, avocado, and raw nuts. The carbs are very very minimal so…
We’ve been Lied to About Salt
Salt has played a crucial role in ancestral food preparation for centuries. Yet, in the last years, salt has been viewed as a villain as it’s been associated with hypertension and heart disease. The idea that a diet low on salt is better for us began about 200 years ago and was based on flawed science. However,…
Top 7 Science Backed Health Benefits of Taking Collagen Supplements
Today I would to like to give you my reasons why I take collagen peptides daily! I’ve been using collagen for 2 years now and have definitely noticed differences . Collagen is very important because around 30% of the protein in our bodies is collagen and it basically holds us together! Collagen is in our…
Top Reasons to Eat Apricot Seeds
Did you know apricot kernels have been consumed for centuries for their nutritional value? Apricot seeds contain vitamin B17 which is known as amygdalin or laetrile. Studies have shown that B17 can have anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory properties. Additionally apricot seeds can improve digestion, balance cholesterol levels, increase energy, support the immune system and can help with…
Dryer Sheets Contain over 15 Deadly Chemicals. More Harmful and Toxic than Any Cleaning Products
The average American household is loaded with toxic chemicals. These chemicals are often found in household cleaning and cosmetic products. But, of all the toxic products in the average household…the chemicals found in fabric softeners and dryer sheets are among the most potentially harmful.
Conventional Spices are worse for your health than alcohol, nicotine and many drugs
Did you know that most store bought spices contain toxic ingredients? In fact, most conventional spices sold in the United States are fumigated with dangerous chemicals that are banned in Europe.
Lemon Water Flushes Out Toxins And Is Extremely Beneficial For The Body
Starting your day with coconut oil and lemon will immensely benefit your body. By combining these 2 ingredients in a cup of hot water will help you lose weight, boost energy, alkalize your body to fight illnesses.
Shock finding: Top Pharma-Brands of Vitamins Contain Aspartame, GMOs, and Hazardous Chemicals
Did you know that over 97% of vitamins and supplements you are using contain toxic ingredients in them? Moreover, most of these supplements are being manufactured by big pharmaceutical companies. For instance, Centrum is made by the Pharma giant Wyeth, and Bayer HealthCare of aspirin fame makes the One A Day line. Unilever, Novartis,…
How to Reduce Tobacco Cravings with Basil
Basil is one of the most commonly consumed herbs and one of the most well-loved herbs as well! Basil is not only a flavor booster for your dishes, but also offers some incredible health benefits, most of which are related to its powerful antioxidants and volatile oils. And you can actually use basil leaves…
How to Alkalize Your Body Fast to Help Prevent Diseases
Processed foods and chemical additives have ruined our entire body chemistry. When nourished properly, our bodies have everything to function properly! What we eat and put on our bodies affects how we feel, think, perceive and respond to the world around us. Some studies have found that acidic environments make cancer cells grow. So the notion is that a diet high in alkaline foods (high…