Parmesan cheese, or Parmigiano Reggiano, is a specific type of hard cheese made in the Northern provinces of Italy. Parmesan Cheese is a natural cheese that is produced from unpasteurized milk, rennet, natural whey and salt for its preservation.
The aloe vera miracle: A natural medicine for cholesterol, diabetes, inflammation, IBS, and other health conditions
In my opinion, of all the plants out there, Aloe Vera plant should the one to keep at home. Unlike many other plants, Aloe Vera is actually the most useful plant. Seriously, from burns, cuts, to even cancer, Aloe Vera is a multipurpose plant. Most of us already know about the amazing properties of Aloe Vera and…
This is For Everyone Who Uses Palmolive or Cascade dish Soap
When was the last time you looked at the ingredients in your dish detergent? Unfortunately, most people don’t. The truth is, most of the dish soap brands can cause cancer, allergies, skin irritation and other health issues. You can pronounce or understand what each one of them is and does.
Stunned scientists confirm breast cancer cells stopped growing when exposed to this oil.
Did you know that essential oils have been used for centuries to relieve anxiety and stress? And one of the most effective essential oils to look to for depression, stress and anxiety is Frankincense.
The Most Alkalizing Food that Helps Discourage Tumor Growth
The prominent scientist Dr. Otto H. Warburg who discovered the real cause of cancer, has found that the root cause of cancer is oxygen deficiency. Oxygen deficiency causes an acidic state of the body. “All normal cells have an absolute requirement for oxygen, but cancer cells can live without oxygen” – this is a…
Top 4 Toxic Children’s Snacks Made With Cancer Causing Petroleum
Are you unknowingly giving your child petroleum-based snacks? Most companies market unhealthy products that contain cancer causing artificial ingredients to petroleum directly to children. These ingredients can cause all kinds of chronic diseases such as obesity, diabetes and hyperactivity/ADHD.
Soy increases your risk of breast cancer, cervical cancer, PCOS and Thyroid Disorders
Diet is a personal preference for most people and most of us feel attacked when our food choices are questioned, I know it probably goes against everything we hear about soy these days, but I’m here today to tell you that nobody should be eating soy food products. In fact, over 170 scientific studies confirm the…
Forget Filling Cavities. Heal Cavities and Regrow Your Teeth Naturally
Did you know according to the latest study (here), you can reverse your cavities by making strict dietary changes? The study found that phytic acid, a substance found in grains, nuts, seeds and beans prevents our teeth from healing naturally. The study was performed on children with cavities. Group 1 ate a diet rich in…
5 Popular Tea Brands that Contain Illegal Amounts of Deadly Pesticides
Tea couldn’t possibly have any toxic chemicals or pesticides in it, right? Most of us think that generally drinking tea is safe. But this could not be further from the truth. Unfortunately, a lot of tea companies (even the organic brands) do not source their products from clean growers.
Study: Popular Bottled Water Brands Contain Bacteria, Fertilizer, Tylenol and Industrial Chemicals
According to research bottled water is the No.1 beverage product in the US. This is because most of us think that bottled water is a safer option than tap water. But this could not be further from the truth. A new report out of the State University of New York (SUNY) states that popular water…