In 2002, I was told in a routine checkup that I had Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, an autoimmune condition that causes the body to attack its own thyroid tissue. And unfortunately, I just knew little about Hashimoto’s back then. I thought about my family history and I realized that none of my ancestors had any thyroid issues. It made…
The Healthiest Chocolate that Protects Your Brain, Causes Rapid Weight Loss and Gives you Energy
Today, almost all conventional chocolate contains ingredients like High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) and Corn Syrup Solids, Soy Lecithin, Artificial Colors and Artificial Flavors. Of course, a ton of gmo sugar is also involved, which is why I decided to make homemade keto chocolate bars that are actually good for you and you can eat them daily.
Homemade 3 Ingredients Bleach Alternative: Can Destroy Bacteria and Pathogens
Chlorine bleach is the most common product in many households. Unfortunately, people don’t realize how dangerous chlorine-based bleach can be, especially when mixed with several other cleaning products. In fact, it’s so toxic that has resulted in a number of death. Exposure to chlorine bleach is especially dangerous to children and pets as their lungs…
Study: Maca has been shown to balance hormones in both men and women regardless of their age
One of my favorite root vegetables, that’s right a root vegetable, has the power to put you in the mood… to lift depression, fire up the libido (or chill it out), give sustainable energy, and regulate the endocrine system. Curious?? Those are powerful statements and I know many people looking for all of the above….
Heal a HERPES COLD SORE IN Just 2 Days
I’ve successfully treated and healed a few of my cold sores . It’s a very simple and effective method. This is what I do! Did you know that cold sores are caused by the herpes simplex virus? In fact, it’s a very contagious virus and can be easily caught by touching an active sore. And…
Garlic Tincture for the flu, colds, strep, UTI, bronchitis, coughs and more
Did you know that eating garlic daily does miracles for your body? Garlic one of the most powerful natural antibiotics. It kills a very large number of different bacteria.
How to Heal Cavities Naturally
In the summer of 1935, by the southern border of Kenya, one dentist stood in disbelief in front of the Maasai tribe members. These indigenous people had never used toothpaste, flossed, or brushed their teeth. But they all had perfectly straight teeth and no cavities.
Alzheimer Recoveries Reported After Administration of Turmeric
Deaths from Alzheimer’s disease are at it’s highest in the United States, according to a new study from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). …Alzheimer’s is a progressive brain disease that causes brain cells to rapidly die due to abnormal protein deposits build up in the brain. Conventional drugs only address its symptoms and try to…
How to Kill Sinus Infections in Just 2 Minutes with Hydrogen Peroxide and Sea Salt
A sinus infection is an inflammation of the lining of the sinuses that in most cases leads to headaches, facial pains and even a fever. Fortunately, there are a few natural remedies that are effective at killing the bacteria and viruses responsible for sinus infections such as hydrogen peroxide.
Tamiflu: One of the most dangerous medications on the market, especially for children
One thing you hear constantly on TV is this year’s Flu is “the worst ever and deadly… run to get a flu shot now”! But since even the CDC conceded that flu shots only work 39% of the time, chances are, you will still get the flu at some point. If the talking heads convinced…