Do you remember the last time you felt free from fatigue, bloating, skin issues, pains? Most of us probably don’t remember. The truth is that our bodies are very toxic, and have actually been toxic since our mother’s womb. In fact, there can be over 20o toxins stored in our bodies. This deadly buildup of…
Energy Drinks “increase stroke risk by 500% as “irregular heartbeats soar’
Anyone looking for a little extra energy now and then (which is everyone), should be aware of the cancer-causing ingredients in your energy drink. Though they offer a quick energy boost they are also dangerous to your health.
Patchouli Essential Oil: Repels mosquitoes, fleas, ants, lice, moths and flies
The strong and distinctive smell of patchouli has made it a common ingredient in perfumes and deodorants for years. It shares familial roots with herbs such as lavender, mint and sage. By distilling the leaves and flowers of the plant, a very beneficial essential oil is generated with amazingly healthy properties you should be taking…
Study: Vitamin D May Slash Your Breast Cancer Risk by 90 Percent
Thousands of research studies have showed the powerful health-promoting properties of the prohormone compound, vitamin D3. According to Vitamin D expert Michael Holick, ‘We estimate that vitamin D deficiency is the most common medical condition in the world. It is clear that most people are not getting enough healthy sun exposure.
What Happens to Your Body When You Get a Root Canal
Did you know that dentists perform 1,000 of root canal procedures daily in the United States? And most of these people believe they are safely and permanently fixing their problem. I hate to break this to you, but there is nothing harmless and safe about root canals. Although your dentist will tell you this is rubbish,…
Drinking lemon ginger turmeric tea relieves pain while boosting your immune system
Turmeric (here) is a safe, effective anti-inflammatory. Did you know that inflammation is the source of most diseases? Turmeric is one of the most powerful known anti-inflammatory herbs. It is able to help treat arthritis, gout, and autoimmune disease. It may also be used to relieve headaches, muscular aches, pains and even joint problems. So, if…
The Best Alternative to Ibuprofen,Tylenol and Aleve
The Pharmaceutical industry pays billions of dollars to hide the fact that acetaminophen present in common pain killer like Tylenol is one the most dangerous and toxic medicine for the liver. So what are the alternatives? There’s been a lot of research on the anti-inflammatory compound curcumin, which is a component of turmeric. So much…
Colloidal Silver and Your Health: What You Need to Know
Colloidal silver is a liquid that consists of silver atoms suspended in ion-less distilled water. What makes colloidal silver so effective is that fact that the particles of silver are small enough to penetrate on a cellular level. Thus, colloidal silver can destroy pathogens of all types such as bacteria, parasites, fungus.
Drop these toxic supplements, they are slowly killing you
If you’ve been reading my blog for a while, you’ll know that I’m not a big fan of isolated synthetic supplements like calcium supplements. I believe it’s more important to get all the nutrients from whole foods. Unfortunately, modern nutritional wisdom heavily promotes multivitamins and synthetic nutrients that have been created in the lab.
100% Effective Turmeric Remedy for Wrinkles, Rosacea, Acne and Dark Circles
Did you know that turmeric is one of the highest antioxidant-containing spices on the ORAC scale? In fact, turmeric comes in at #6 in the list of herbs and spices with the highest antioxidants. Antioxidants are vital for protecting the integrity of the skin. They fight free radicals and prevent them from destroying its texture. This…