Your thyroid gland is vital for your health. Every cell of your body depends on the thyroid hormone. Unfortunately, around 20 million Americans suffer from thyroid disorders such as hypothyroidism and Hashimoto’s which cause many health issues such as digestive issues, weight gain, depression and fatigue.
Diet Soda and Dementia: What Everyone Needs to Know
Did you know that having even just one can of diet soda a day is slowly killing you? In fact, diet soda causes stroke and dementia Researchers from Boston’s University School of Medicine confirmed that people who drink a can of artificially-sweetened soft drink a day were at three times the risk of deadly stroke and dementia….
Baking Soda Shampoo: It Will Make Your Hair Grow Like It Is Magic
Baking soda is very versatile. It can be used for cooking, medication, cleaning and even beauty products. But did you know that Baking Soda can be used to make Hair Shampoo that will make your hair grow fast?
Farmed Salmon is worse than McDonald’s. It’s a toxic junk food
Farmed salmon vs. wild salmon. Which is healthier? Well, you may be surprised to find out that farmed salmon is worse than McDonalds. In fact, it’s a toxic junk food. Farmed salmon can cause cancer. Sure enough, farm raised might be cheaper but it is worth spending more money on Wild Salmon because of its…
Clinical Studies Prove Maca is a great mood booster, relieves depression and anxiety.
It’s generally understood that ancient cultured offered to the gods their very best. Sometimes it was the best of the harvest, the finest livestock or even in some cases a beautiful young human… in other cases like in ancient Peru and Bolivia it was Maca! Why? Maybe because they understood this root had the ability…
Study Found After 30 Days Vetiver Oil was Able to Combat ADD and ADHD Symptoms Effectively, Doubling the Children’s Performance
As you may have heard, Autism has been increasingly diagnosed in American children in recent years. As of 2014, 1 in 68 children have a diagnosis within the autism spectrum. This translates to about 1.5% of American children overall. The effects of autism on the daily lives of these children are profound. Autism is a…
A new study performed by scientists from Northwestern University in the U.S. discovered a link between taking aspirin daily and a higher risk of developing melanoma in men, the most dangerous form of skin cancer. The team of scientists looked at the medical records of 195,140 patients aged 18-89 years old with no history of…
Recent research indicates that Turmeric is as effective as Ibuprofen for reducing pain and inflammation
Turmeric is a super-spice that has a very high antioxidant value. The anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties in turmeric are mainly attributed to its most active component, Curcumin. This compound is also what gives turmeric is yellow-orange color. Turmeric has been proven to fight free radicals, rejuvenate the cells, cleanse the liver, protect the heart, boosts…
4 Most Effective Natural Laundry Detergents that are 100% Safe
Did you know there are more than 7 toxic chemicals hiding in your laundry detergent? During WWI many man lab created chemicals were introduced due to shortages of soap. Unfortunately, most of these chemicals are still being added to commercial detergents.
Copaiba oil: How to Use It to Treat almost All Pains, Psoriases, Eczema, Acne, Anxiety, Depression without drugs
Recent research is unlocking the medical potential of cannabis. CBD oil use is growing fast in the USA as states begin to acknowledge the research and will of the people as they ease laws surrounding cannabis use and production. However, not every state has caught up as of date. Luckily, there is a legal in…