Imagine one food that can pretty much do it all for your body by providing the nutrients you need. And the food we are talking about is SPIRULINA. It’s considered to be the most nutritious food in the world. It strengthens the immune system, prevents allergies, helps with cholesterol and blood pressure, and much much…
The Miracle of Hydrogen Peroxide
Hydrogen Peroxide – also known by its chemical formula, H2O2 – is a powerful oxidising agent composed of water and oxygen. When using a 35% food-grade source with no additives or impurities, Hydrogen Peroxide can be miraculous in helping to deal with many health conditions.
Bleached White flour is a Toxic Insecticide. It was declared “unfit” for human consumption
The truth about the “standard American diet” is that it is a diet of chronically consuming that which is bad for you while not consuming that which is healthy. One ingredient we chronically consume, which we should be rarely consuming if at all, is bleached white flour
How to Heal Your Thyroid (True. I’ve Done it Story)
If you ask me Hypothyroidism sucks, I have had for years. But every cloud has its silver lining and for me, my silver lining is the fact that my disorder opened my eyes to so many truths about food, nutrition and of course Wheatgrass (more on that later). No one told me I had Hypothyroidism…
Why you need to keep your body alkaline! Restore the Body’s pH levels
The reason why you need to keep your body alkaline is because diseases happen in acidic environments and every organ in your body is affected by it. When your body is too acidic this may result in certain illnesses. Your body’s pH level needs to balance to avoid it from being too acidic or overly…
9 Secrets You Don’t Know About Soy
Our modern society has proclaimed soy milk as the healthiest milk for years. Even most doctors and nutritional experts recommend it as a better milk option. From 1992 to 2006, sales went up from $300 million to almost $4 billion! However, nothing could be further from the truth. Around 170 scientific studies prove the dangers…
How to Remove Pesticides from Your Fruits and Vegetables in 10 Minutes
Build-in Pesticides can not be washed off. It’s in the food. But wait…. Only citrus essential oils are able to deeply penetrate your produce and remove pesticides effectively.
The DIY detox bath – Get Rid of Pains, Harmful toxins, Pesticides and Heavy Metals
Today, more than ever, we must detox. The good news is there are plenty of ways to support detox that are both simple, affordable and even relaxing. The presence of toxins in the body leads to acne, fatigue , headaches, and even cancer. Your immune system works best when your body is clean. It has…
Detox Every Organ in Your Body from alcohol, caffeine, drugs, stress, and toxins
Spirulina is a blue-green algae that’s found in pristine freshwater lakes, ponds, and rivers. It is recognized as one of the world’s most nutritionally complete superfoods and the best detoxifier.
Check your pH Balance to see if your body is too acidic
To be at its healthiest, your body should be alkaline. Your organs and all functions in your body work better in a slightly alkaline environment. An acid body indicates that your systems do not function as efficiently as they should. It is a scientifically established fact that when your body pH levels become too acidic…