Who would have thought that watermelon is so nutritious? Most people think that watermelon is just mostly water with no nutritional value. However, nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, watermelon has the most nutrition per calorie.
Warning: Do Not Let Anyone You Love Near a McDonalds
Are you still eating at McDonald’s? You won’t after realizing what you are really feeding your body – all the artificial and synthetic ingredients that are dangerous to us and our children’s health.
You should be growing these sprouts today – your body will thank you later
Have you ever eaten broccoli sprouts or even heard of them? Did you know that broccoli sprouts are the world’s healthiest foods and are up to 100 times higher in cancer fighting compounds than the actual mature broccoli? Broccoli sprouts are the most rich source of sulforaphane, one of the cancer-fighting compounds in adult broccoli.
Early Signs that Breast Cancer is Growing in Your Body
It is estimated that one in eight women, or around 12%, will be diagnosed with breast cancer in her lifetime. But did you know that approximately 85% of breast cancers appear in women who have no family history of breast cancer. These happen not because of inherited mutations but rather to genetic mutations that occur…
Do not buy strawberries that look like this
Few other foods spell summertime like strawberries. Since Roman times (there is evidence the strawberry was grown by South American cultures well before this) the strawberry has been a favorite fruit of many. The sweet taste and ruby red color make them a delicious and beautiful addition to any plate.
Cucamelons: The Most Exciting Fruit You Can Grow This Year
Have you heard of the cutest little fruit called cucamelon? It looks like a tiny watermelon and tastes like limes. It’s probably one the most unique fruits you can find. And best of all – it’s full of incredible health benefits. In fact, cucamelons have been eaten in Mexico for centuries. They are also known…
Pringles contain acrylamide, a chemical known by the government to cause cancer.
If you like chips (and judging by the fact there is an entire aisle full of them at the grocery store, you probably do) there is a good chance you have tried Pringles. Perhaps, like many people think, they are a slightly healthier alternative to traditional potato chips… especially the baked variety? Well, look before…
Drinking this Soda Daily Can Cause Obesity, Diabetes and Heart disease.
Excess sugar suppresses immunity. Studies have found that drinking75 to 100 grams of a sugar solution (about 20 teaspoons of sugar, or the amount that is contained in two average 12-ounce sodas) can suppress the immune system. A study, using dental students, showed that drinking 24 oz of soda depressed the activity of neutrophils (the…
Chokeberry: The Miracle Berry You never Heard of. It Protects from Colon Cancer, Diabetes, Blood Clots, Aging, Inflammation
Have you heard of Aronia berries? I haven’t until recently. Aronia berries, also known as chokeberries, have been gaining much deserved popularity. It’s, perhaps, the healthiest berry you will ever find. Chokeberries are loaded with nutrients and antioxidants, such as vitamin C and anthocyanins.
Top 10 Brands of Bottled Water That Are Full of Toxic Fluoride
The debate about whether fluoride is good or bad has been going on for decades. It seems as those who think fluoride is good have been on the winning side as most municipal water sources have at least some fluoride added. But more recent studies indicate that fluoride might in fact be quite detrimental to…