Another one bites the dust. This time it’s Zanatac, the popular over the counter (OTC) drug sold at almost all American drug stores. The histamine blocker Zantac is used to treat ulcers, heart burn and stomach acid problems. Walgreens, CVS and Rite Aid have all pulled the product off their shelves out of “an abundance…
Air fresheners emit numerous substances associated with cancer, neurotoxicity, and endocrine disruption.
In most home bathrooms, you will find a can of air freshener. In many public bathrooms, the spraying of air freshener is done via automatic spraying devices. These are supposed to “freshen” the air we breathe, however, what it really does is toxify the air we breathe…and with heavy toxins at that!
Given to Cancer Patients, The #1 Nutritional Drink Can Actually Cause Cancer
Overall, roughly 42% of all Americans are considered vitamin deficient. Some vitamins, like vitamin D and E, the number is more like 60-70% deficiency! For senior citizens these numbers can be even more drastic as they are more often not consuming a vitamin and mineral rich diet due to a variety of reasons such as…
Study reveals that shrimp contain a cocktail of drugs and pesticides
When you sit down to eat that plate full of shrimp, you are also unknowingly eating sewage, and many illegal drugs. “… according to a new independent report, the Chinese aquaculture industry crams fish and shellfish into facilities to maximize production, generating large amounts of waste, contaminating water and spreading disease (Food & Water Watch…
The FDA Admits: Birth Control Pills Can Cause Heart Attack, Breast Cancer, Liver Problems, Weight Gain and More
The modern pill was Introduced in the 1960’s, it quickly became one of the most popular birth control methods in the world. However, this new pill contained really high levels of estrogen and progestin which had many dangerous side effects. The amount of hormones in the pill was 10 times than needed for contraception. The…
Stop Using Canola Oil Immediately!
Have you ever heard of a Canola seed? You’ve probably heard of Olive and coconut trees, but not Canola right? That’s because it doesn’t exist. Canola oil is not natural oil but the commercial name of a genetically modified version of Rapeseed (which is toxic). So, it is really curious why so many “natural” food…
How to Detox Your Armpits to Purge Out Breast Cancer-Causing Toxins
An armpit detox is a great effective way to detox your body and may help reduce your risk of breast cancer. Did you know that a lot of clinical studies find a disproportionately high number of female breast cancers originating in the upper outer quadrant of the breast, the area to which underarm cosmetic products…
Over 800 studies on oregano oil prove it to be the most effective natural antibiotic known to science
You have probably heard of oregano oil but did you know you can use it as a natural alternative to antibiotics? In fact, over 800 studies have been conducted on oregano oil and it’s unbelievable medicinal properties. According to many scientific studies, oregano essential oil can help kill bacteria, viruses, fungal infections, warts, allergies, candida…
Stop Buying This Mac and Cheese!
Have you ever read the ingredients label on a box of Kraft Macaroni and Cheese? Most of us haven’t, because we trust if it is on the shelves of the grocery store, it must be safe to eat. If you were to read the ingredients label, you would find (the most concerning for me,) artificial…
How to Lower Blood Pressure Fast Naturally
Recently many brands of high blood pressure medications have been recalled as federal investigators found potentially cancer-causing particles in them. In a citizen petition filed to the FDA, high levels of dimethylformamide were found in the hypertension medication valsartan, manufactured by several companies. Dimethylformamide has been linked to cancer and other diseases. According to CDC, DMF is…