Peonies (Paeonia officinalis) are more than just gorgeous spring flowers, they also provide many medicinal properties that help you live better. Peony contains certain compounds, such as paeoniflorin, albiflorin, oxypaeoniflorin, paeonilactinone, benzoyloxypaeoniflorin and lactinolide that are responsibles for its health benefits.
How to Purify Water with Moringa Seeds
Moringa Oleifera is a “Miracle Tree”that possesses incredible health benefits. It can be used for diverse usage such as anemia, asthma, arthritis, constipation, cancer, diabetes, epilepsy, diarrhea, stomach ulcers, gastritis, intestinal ulcers, heart conditions, headaches, high blood pressure, inflammation, kidney stones, thyroid disorders, infections, sex drive, athlete’s foot, warts, dandruff, snake bites and gingivitis.
3 Ingredient Ant Killer Recipe
Forget dangerous, toxic chemicals that are harmful for you pets, children and the environment. The toxic ingredients in store bought ant products contain fipronil, avermectin, and indoxacarb all have the potential to affect the nervous system in humans. These ingredients have been known to cause weakness, tremors, or seizures. There are homemade natural solutions you…
Homemade Flea Powder – Flea, Tick, Ant, Mites, Fly, Mosquito and other Insect Repellent
There’s no pharmaceutical product that kills fleas and ticks without damaging your dog. The active ingredients in these medications contain chemicals such as imidacloprid, fipronil, permethrin, methoprene, and pyriproxyfen, all of which have caused serious side effects in animals in laboratories. Recently, the FDA stated that flea and tick meds are causing neurologic problems in…
How to make sourdough bread to help restore the good bacteria in your gut
As we know most conventional breads are made with dry yeast, processed ingredients and preservatives. Sourdough is a type of bread made with flour, water, a bit of salt and natural yeas. And this makes a huge difference!
Make Sage Bundles and Toss them into the Firepit to Keep Mosquitos Away
Did you know that sage is a natural mosquito repellent? Burning sage is a very effective way to keep mosquitoes away! Simply throw some sage leaves or sage bundles in a backyard fire pit or in your fireplace to fill your home with a natural mosquito-repelling scent.
Zucchini Fritters With Avocado Dill Dip Recipe
Zucchini is a very versatile food. It can be eaten raw or cooked, and it is so good for your body. Zucchini is great for people who want to lose weight. It contains a lot of fiber and water, and virtually no calories. The skin of zucchini is loaded with vitamin C and polyphenols. These…
Compounds in the elderberry can directly inhibit the flu virus’s entrance into cells and subsequent replication
Elderberries have been used in folk remedies for centuries in North America, Europe, western Asia, and North Africa and are very popular in herbal medicine today. They are known as “nature’s medicine chest,” and for a good reason! Elderberries contain incredible immune-supporting properties and its ability to fight viral and bacterial infections. It is truly…
DIY Weed-Be-Gone Spray – Better Alternative that Works Compared to Harsh Chemicals
The best way to ensure you and your family are eating healthy, organic foods is to take control of your food chain yourself! The organic food supply in the U.S. is simply just better than the other alternatives. The organic food industry has become a multi-billion dollar industry that no doubt has its share of…
Which Soap Is Best for Viruses?
Contrary to popular belief, antibacterial soaps don’t kill viruses because like antibiotics, antibacterial soap only deals with bacteria, not viruses.