According to a Princeton study, a person who is worries a lot about finances can see a decline in cognitive function equal to 13 points of IQ. Additionally, stress and worrying have been linked to memory loss and damage to some parts of the brain.
Nothing good comes from worrying. In fact, worrying can be deadly. Worrying can cause many health issues such as headaches, high cholesterol, heart problems, hypertension, and diabetes. When we worry, our liver produces more cholesterol which in turn leads to heart related problems. Studies have shown that worrying causes high blood pressure and blood clotting.
5 Reasons to Stop Worrying
1. Worrying causes heartburn and stomach aches.
This is because worrying affects muscle contractions in your intestines and can rigger an increase in stomach acid.
2. Worrying affects your respiratory system which can cause asthma
3. Worrying Weakens the Immune System
Chronic worry weakness the immune system, making you more susceptible to bacteria and viruses
4. Worrying causes skin and hair damage.
Worrying releases cortisol and adrenaline, which in turn cause acne breakouts and hair loss when converted into cholesterol.
5. Worrying Can Cause Insomnia
Not getting proper sleep can affect us physically and mentally leading to all kinds of health issues.
To combat worrying, do something relaxing every day like praying, going for a walk, reading, or doing a hobby.
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