Regardless of what your stance on vaccines for children or adults is, you should know that the ingredients in vaccines are toxic to the human body. In fact, every single vaccine is toxic, and many ingredients are known carcinogens or neurotoxins.
Vaccine toxins can be cumulative, building up with each vaccination. These dangerous ingredients add to the toxin load we we already encounter every day.
Vaccines for children and adults contain these ingredients :
Formaldehyde is a human carcinogen
Mercury is the second most toxic substance known to man
Aluminum is a known neurotoxin stored in the kidneys, spleen, liver, heart, brain, lymph nodes, and muscle
Cetyltrimethylammonium bromide is a hazardous substance
MSG is a neurotoxin
Polysorbate 80 is a toxin known to cause adverse effects including death
and the list goes on and on.
A Gentle Vaccine Detox For Children and Adults
Here are some gentle detox ideas to help your body detoxify from these dangerous ingredients.
According to several strong scientific studies, spirulina (find it here) helps support healthy detoxification of heavy metals from the body because it naturally binds to heavy metals which are carried out of the body through natural processes of elimination. You can take chlorella in capsule form, or just add it to smoothies.
Find the best organic brand here
Detox Bath
A detox bath can strengthen the immune system and flush out toxins that have accumulated in our body.
Add 6 drops of Zendocrine to your child’s bath with a few pinches of Epsom salt.
Cilantro binds to heavy metals, pulling them from blood and body tissues, and eliminates them from the body. It is one of the most powerful tools to remove heavy metals and other toxic contaminants.
You can juice with cilantro, add it to your smoothies, or eat it raw. Consume at least 1 teaspoon daily for 2-3 weeks or add 6-7 drops cilantro essential oil to your bath.
Is Cilantro eo edible?
Hi Valery! It depends on the brand and quality of essential oils. I only use doterra therapeutic grade essential oils.
more toxin info:
Autism Spectrum and Vaccine Injury Healing Information
Natural Detox Methods for heavy metals from vaccines*
1. Build a strong gastro-intestinal and immune system
– Consume – Organic only, Raw dairy, grass fed meats, fermented foods, bone broth (minerals), veggies, fruits. Ketogenic Diet, GAPS plan, Micro-biome gut health. Vitamin supplements and probiotics
– Eliminate – Genetically modified organisms (glyphosate exposure and au-tism rates show a nearly 100% correspondence and glyphosate kills good gut bacteria), white flour, white sugar, white pasta, white rice. No antibi-otics, vaccines, Tylenol (reduces glutathione in liver that makes it difficult to detox). No silver (mercury) fillings.
2. Drink spring water only, best brands for detoxing are Volvic/Fiji due to high silica. No fluoride water/toothpaste
3. Replace household laundry and cleaning products with natural non-toxic, no synthetic scents alternatives.
4. Create a sleep sanctuary free from WIFI, its non-thermal pulsed radiation. Get a guard for modem and smart meter.
5. Cleanse
a. Baths – Detox in bath as a therapeutic environment with Epsom, Dead Sea or Himalayan salts.
b. Foot baths – IonCleanse detoxifying foot baths.
c. Sunshine and lots of exercise, sweat releases toxins
d. Far Infrared Sauna – Infrared light penetrates deep into the body and stimulates detoxification pathways.
6. Form a healthy spinal structure. Utilize chiropractic care to create a healthy spinal structure and allow for proper innervation of all the organs, tissues and muscles of the body. This will stimulate the body’s healing and detoxifi-cation potential.
7. Stimulate the body’s ability to generate healthy cells, immune function and detoxification pathways using Homeopathic Treatment.
8. Modulate and restore homeostasis – restore balance to: brain, body, cells, muscles, organs, spine, skin, gut, etc. – gently address the underlying cause while removing stored stress via B.E.S.T. Remove heavy metals at cellular level (TCD: True Cellular Detox) – @ Natural Health Services.
9. Parasite cleanse. Many autistic children have parasites that excrete their waste in gas form (inside the body) similar to morphine, ammonia and histamine.
Healing the symptoms known as Autism, 2nd edition Kerri Rivera
10. CBD or medical cannabis for autism and more: