Fermented foods have been very popular lately due to the successful traditional food movement. We are finally paying attention to the wisdom of our ancestors. Fermented foods have been a staple of the human diet for centuries. For instance, sailors in the 18th century ate sauerkraut to prevent scurvy, a disease caused by vitamin C deficiency?
One Tablespoon of Sauerkraut Equals One Bottle of Probiotics
According to Dr. Joseph Mercola just two ounces of the sauerkraut has more probiotics than an entire bottle of 100 probiotic capsules.
Dr. Mercola had a sample of his own homemade sauerkraut tested in a lab for probiotics and the results were surprising.
“We had it analyzed,” Dr. Mercola said. “We found in a 4-6 ounce serving of the fermented vegetables there were literally ten trillion bacteria.”
Simple Homemade Sauerkraut Recipe
- 6 pounds cabbage
- 3 tablespoons sea salt
- Remove large outer leaves from cabbage and set aside.
- Shred cabbage.
- Mix cabbage with sea salt in a bowl.
- Massage the mixture with your hands for about 15 minutes in order for the juices to be released.
- Place the cabbage in a large fermentation container and pound down until juices come up.
- Cover the cabbage leaving about 2 inches of space at the top.
- Cover the sauerkraut with a plate. Place a heavy glass jar filled with water on the plate to press it down.
- Press down to add pressure to the cabbage and help force water out of it.
- Keep it at room temperature (covered with a towel). Fermentation will begin within a day, depending upon the room temperature. It will ferment best in a cool, dark place at a temperature that is consistently 64 to 70 degrees.
- Fermentation can take up to 3 weeks to a month. After fermenting, you can transfer it to the refrigerator.
Take Reishi for a Leaky Gut, IBS, and any Digestive Issues
A mushroom a day may keep the doctor away. The active ingredients in Reishi mushroom can change bacteria in your stomach for the better, researchers have discovered. The Reishi mushroom can alter gut bacteria, thus preventing and reversing symptoms of obesity, including weight gain and insulin resistance.
Can you tell me what a “suitable fermentation container” is ? and will this smell incredibly bad if left in the house during fermentation process? Would you suggest garage or basement?
I really love your ideas please keep em coming. Not there yet but enjoy the move to live traditionally
Can dogs eat Saurkraut? Will it have the same health benefits? I ask because we make all natural dog treats. See website.
HI Jon! Yes, the smell can be pretty bad if you are not used to it. You can definitely leave it in a basement. Yes, dogs can eat sauerkraut as long as you don’t add any onions. And thank you so much for your kind words!
Also, I use a big glass jar!
These instructions are a bit confusing. First you say cover the cabbage (how, and with what?) Next you say cover the sauerkraut with a plate and jar filled with water (isn’t it covered already?) Then your instructions are to press down to force water out (if container is covered, how are you to press down?) Lastly what are you covering with a towel?
As you can see, I’m a newbie to all of this and need better instructions. Thank you.
Yes please clarify
I make my own sauerkraut and freeze it in plastic bags. You put your in the fridge. Did you ever freeze sauerkraut?
Hi Mireille! Depends on how long you will store it for, you can definitely freeze it.
Is there vinegar that gets added?
Hi Valeria! No vinegar. Salt will start the fermentation process
Where do you get this claim that 16 ounces of sauerkraut is equal to 8 bottles of probiotics?
It takes 2-5 days for cabbage to ferment when testing sour is ready to be stored in fridge. It will stabilize in cold and you may keep it even for a half a year.