Today, more than ever, we must detox. The good news is there are plenty of ways to support detox that are both simple, affordable and even relaxing. The presence of toxins in the body leads to acne, fatigue , headaches, and even cancer. Your immune system works best when your body is clean. It has less work to do when no toxins are present, and can fight a stronger battle against germs. To detox the body basically means to cleanse out anything that your body or cells do not need.
Usually people treat these issues with medication when all that may have been required is a thorough detox, supplemented with Spirulina.
Spirulina is loaded with minerals, enzymes, antioxidants and amino acids. Taking a bath with spirulina helps to nourish and soften the skin.
This is one of the best natural methods known to alkalize the body. Spirulina boosts the elimination of toxic components from our bodies. Many studies found that spirulina was able to remove heavy metals from the system.
Spirulina contains chlorophyll which is used for “detoxification” by helping remove toxins such as heavy metals and other pollutants from the blood
Using a powerful mineral base such as Epsom salts in a bathwater medium creates a process called reverse osmosis. This process pulls salt and harmful toxins out of the body and allows the magnesium and sulfates to enter into the body.
You can find the best organic brand here
Add these ingredients to a detox bath:
½ cup spirulina, mixed in a pitcher of warm water
½ cup sea salt
7 drops essential oil (I like to use a mixture of lime, bergamot and grapefruit). (where to find)
You can find the best organic brand here
For Spirulina that is guaranteed organic and sources from trusted farms and ranches, try Living Traditionally’s Organic Spirulina from the Living Traditionally Store
Can everybody take spirulina?
Though high quality spirulina is free of side effects, it does contain iodine. This means that people who are sensitive to iodine should avoid taking it. Additionally, people with hyperparathyroidism should also avoid spirulina.
Those who are highly allergic to seafood or seaweed should also avoid taking spirulina.
I am 74 years old. Im very active and in very good health. I’m using collagen powder. Would spirulina be a better choice for me. I can’t afford to purchase both collagen and spirulina. Thanks.
Hi Carole! Thank you for your question. To be honest, I would recommend collagen for you because after 50, our bodies stop producing collagen. And it’s like glue that holds us together.
collagen and spirulina are not interchangeable.. They are two completely different substances. I agree that collagen is probably more helpful since you have to choose.
YOU articol cât my atenționați Is so intersting
IM 65 years old I Wood Luke YOU to Tell me what îs best FOR Me to detox and all so I have problems with my hair ,,
Grows too slow in special in the front
Thk u
Hi Nina! Thank you! I would definitely recommend taking collagen. It will do wonders for your hair. It strengthens and thickens your hair, and makes it grow fast! You can find the best kind here
Add to how much bathing water?
Hi Ely! The amount of water you normally use. Just fill it up and add all the ingredients.
How does one know how much collagen is needed? I am an active 71 female
Hi Marianne! I would take 1 tablespoon a day. More than that will not be absorbed by the body!
What can you do if you do not have a bath tub??
Hi Sheila! You can just take spirulina internally. It will have an even better effect.
Hi Anya,
Thank you for all the valuable info you share. The bath mixture with spirilna and normal sea salt seams fab. I cant wait to try it out. and where does epsom salt get it reciepe ? Do we use it seperatly?
what is a good way to take the spirulina powder? The smell is really strong so not sure how to drink it?
Hi Cindi! I just add it to my smoothie and I don’t taste anything that way
Hi Anya, How long with your spirulina last on the shelf? And/or what is the “BEST USED BY DATE” on each package?
Thanks, Dennis
Hi Anya, A question about your Wheat Grass Powder. How effective is your powder compared to raw wheat grass that I currently process through my Vitamix? Also, how long is the shelf life? I would like to know how long it will last before losing it’s potency.
Hi Dennis! The powder that I sell is very effective. It’s pretty much like raw wheatgrass. The shelf life is up to 3 years!
I have been taking Spirulina for a while. I read what you said about throid cond. I suffer with Hashimo disease, should I not take it. I think that is hypo and not hyper. Help!
Hi Suez! I have Hashimot’s too and I’ve been taking it. It’s good for hypo!
Spirulina. I add 2 teaspoons of powder to my morning yogurt. It tastes good and mixes well with other add-ins. I store my Spirulina in the refrigerator.
Hi Mary! Thank you for sharing! Have you seen any difference in how you feel?