Despite being banned by most people and faulty science, real grass-fed butter is one of the healthiest fats you can eat, Grass fed is loaded with beta-carotene, Vitamins C and E and has 5 times the amount of CLS (conjugated linoleic acid) as grain-fed animals and has the perfect balance of polyunsaturated fats.
Bleach in White Bread and Flour: The ultimate way to kill your cleansing organs
Are you actually consuming chlorine bleach daily? If you eat white bread white rice, white pasta or white sugar regularly, then you do! Every time you ingest any type of junk food, you are ingesting bleach that’s processed with so many food additives that you can’t taste it.
Clean your Body’s Drains: How to Detoxify your Lymphatic System
You probably have never heard of lymphatic drainage because it is not often talked about. Researchers discovered that the lymphatic system is incredibly important for both tissue repair and fighting inflammation. In 2012 researchers at USC found that “… the lymphatic system is no less essential than the blood circulatory system for human health and…
The Shocking Truth About Your ADHD Medication
It might be surprising to you, but ADHD drugs aren’t safe. They can cause permanent health damage in young children. These mind-altering medications can potentially lead to long-term brain damage. (source) In fact, ADHD drugs neither improve school achievement nor get rid of behavior problems.
Harvard Scientists have found that stress causes gray hair and has a significant impact on the rest of your body
A new study has found that stress can cause gray hair. A team from America’s Harvard University said the new study is the first to show a clear link between stress and graying hair. The study was recently published in the journal Nature.
Drink Lemon Water Instead of Pills if You Have One of These 5 Problems
Looking for a cheap way to give your body a quick health boost and get rid of toxins? Look no further, lemon water is perhaps one of the healthiest drinks you can consume in the morning. It can give the body outstanding health benefits.
Study: Children using mobile phones absorb as much as double the amount of radiation through their heads as adults
There’s a reason Steve Jobs was a minimum technology parent. We are all aware that phones and tablets are a form of digital drug. Recent brain images reveal how they affect the brain’s frontal cortex. In fact, it was found that these devices affect your brain in exactly the same way that cocaine does. Technology…
6 Natural things you can take to improve your mood and decrease depression
Did you know that according to research some 17 million Americans had at least 1 major depression episode in 2017. These rates have been growing higher and higher for years. Unfortunately, many people turn to powerful pharmaceutical solutions that simply do not have good long-term therapeutic rates. These drugs, like most others, loose effectiveness over…
Research has shown that listening to music can reduce anxiety, blood pressure, and pain
In modern life many of the “traditional” activities often credited for relieving stress and improving overall health are becoming harder and harder to do. The “busyness” of modern life makes things like a walk in the park, hours of exercise, spending time in nature, going to church on weekdays, etc. harder and harder. It seems…
Scientists Reveal Ramen Noodles Tied to Metabolic Syndrome, Stroke and Heart Disease
Ramen noodles are cheap filling option for many people trying to eat on the cheap. However, according to a new study, ramen noodles can be deadly. If you eat a lot of ramen noodles, you can suffer severe health risks which include heart disease, diabetes and stroke.