You might have noticed that fat, which used to be seen as the enemy, is now making a comeback. It used to be a common ingredient in our grandparents’ cooking, but over time, lard lost its popularity. This shift happened because marketing for processed fats like vegetable oil and margarine convinced people to change what…
Top Brands of Lipstick that are Full of Heavy Metals and Toxic Chemicals
The makeup industry is surprisingly one of the most corrupt sectors out there, whether you want to accept it or not. The chemicals that women are applying to their faces nowadays are harmful; if you doubt this, just take a look for yourself. This industry uses some of the most dangerous carcinogenic substances known to…
The Worst Drinking Water in the World (and it’s not tap water)
Those single use bottles you find in stores, gas stations, and gyms are what I refer to as dangerous rip-offs. Why is that? Well, drinking water from plastic bottles can actually be harmful to your health. Studies show that chemicals like BPA and phthalates can seep into the liquids stored in these bottles. This risk…
Peanut butter is super popular with just about everyone. There are whole websites focused on finding ways to mix this creamy, salty, and delicious spread with almost any food you can think of. However, it’s interesting to note that peanuts aren’t really nuts; they’re actually legumes. And all legumes have something called anti-nutrients, which are…
The Healthiest Eggs You Can Buy
Eggs are one of the healthiest foods you can include in your diet. They are rich in protein and loaded with important vitamins and minerals like vitamin A, B12, and selenium. Besides being nutritious, eggs are also super versatile and simple to cook, which is why they are a common part of many people’s meals….
Therapists and functional medicine doctors are on the same page when it comes to nutrition: getting your nutrients from whole foods is way better than relying on multivitamins or single supplements. The reason for this is that whole foods offer something called food synergy, where all the nutrients in the food combine to give you…
You’ve Been Greenwashed By MRS. Meyers
When I began my journey towards using toxin-free products, I decided to try Mrs. Meyers. It was located in the “natural” section of the grocery store, and I assumed that everything there was safe to use. The name Mrs. Meyers gave me the impression of a cozy, family-run business, but that couldn’t be more wrong….
Why Whole Grain (Wheat) is a Scam
When most people envision whole grains, they often think of the base of the government food pyramid. This might lead you to question why grains could be considered unhealthy. Contrary to popular belief, whole grains are not among the healthiest food options available, and there are several drawbacks to including them in your diet. The…
Don’t Fear Nitrates. Here is What You Need to Know
Several years back, the World Health Organization announced that processed meats—such as bacon, hot dogs, sausages, and deli meats—have the potential to cause cancer. This assertion was primarily based on the understanding that many of these meats are cured using nitrates and nitrites, substances that have been viewed as harmful to health for many years….
Dark Chocolate is not a Health Food
The Internet is packed with articles titled things like “great news for chocolate fans” and “7 proven advantages of dark chocolate.” These pieces make all sorts of claims, saying that chocolate can help lower blood pressure, decrease cancer risk, boost brain function, and more. While I’m not against enjoying chocolate, it’s important to realize that…