If I were to tell you that by chewing gum, you are gradually poisoning your body, would you consider giving it up? It appears that seemingly harmless gum has proven to be a significant detriment to one’s health. Have you ever taken the time to examine the ingredients listed on the back? It is likely…
You’ve been Lied to About Fiber: Your Body Does NOT Need It
It is a common recommendation to boost our fiber consumption in order to avoid digestive issues, maintain a healthy weight, and reduce the risk of colon cancer. The American Dietetic Association also highlights the benefits of fiber in a 7-page fact sheet, acknowledging the support of the Kellogg Company in its production. They enthusiastically suggest…
America’s #1 water purifier is actually toxic!
The majority of individuals rely on their Brita Filters, whether they perceive them as effective or not. These filters have become the standard in the water purification industry, serving as a basic level of filtration. However, it is important to note that while many people may use Brita filters, they may not necessarily be the…
4 Dangers of Eating Spinach
Little did you know that the spinach in your smoothie is filled with poisons created to make you sick. This revelation may seem implausible, especially considering that even non-vegans consume plants on a regular basis. How could it be possible that spinach, a seemingly healthy vegetable, is actually poisonous? Interestingly, the widely accepted recommendation of…
These Popular Bandaids Are Full of Cancer Causing Chemicals
A recent study has revealed that the popular Band-Aid brand, along with other bandage brands, including Curad, have been found to contain chemicals that are associated with cancer when they come into direct contact with open wounds. The study examined 40 different bandages from 18 brands and discovered detectable levels of these harmful chemicals in…
Why Heavy Cream is a Superfood
Despite common misconceptions, dairy fat is actually beneficial for health. Studies have demonstrated its ability to decrease allergies and asthma, enhance skin condition, support weight management, regulate hormones, and prevent nutritional deficiencies. Heavy cream, for example, includes butyric acid, a type of fatty acid that promotes gastrointestinal well-being.
Fish Oil is The Worst Supplement for Your Health
Fish oil and omega supplements are big business. In 2020, the global Omega-3 supplements market reached a valuation of USD 5.56 billion. Numerous doctors in the United States hold the belief that incorporating fish oils into one’s routine can enhance overall well-being. In fact, some medical professionals have gone as far as developing their own…
7 Reasons Mineral Water is the Best Choice
Water plays a crucial role as a nutrient for the body and serves as our primary source of sustenance. Opting for Mineral Water is the most beneficial way of staying hydrated. An adequate intake of water promotes overall health and vitality, as it aids in maintaining regular bodily and mental functions.
The Only Food You Should Be Feeding Your Dog
Yes, Kibble is bad for your dog! Kibble is essentially fast food for pets. No pet will ever reach its full potential in terms of well-being if it solely consumes dry kibble. This type of pet food is loaded with carbohydrates and undergoes extensive processing, further compromising its nutritional value.
How long did your ancestors live while eating red meat, lard and bacon?
When discussing the wisdom of traditional diets, a frequently asked question arises: “Didn’t people in the past dies at the age of 40? Considering their consumption of meat and fat, it is assumed that their life expectancy was shorter. WRONG! Life expectancy is not solely based on the age people died, but rather an average…