Many health-conscious Americans switched to eating tofu instead of animal products. The soy industry has made us all believe that soy is a health food. However, despite its healthy reputation with consumers, tofu is bad for you. So what is tofu exactly? The truth is tofu is made from soy, and as we know most soy is bad. It causes a vast number of health problems such as hypothyroidism, breast cancer, hashimoto’s and many more.
Personally, after years of consuming various forms of soy nearly every day, I developed Hashimoto’s. When I began studying holistic health and nutrition, I learned about the risks associated with consuming soy products such as endocrine disruption, digestive, thyroid, fertility, hormones, sex drive problems.
Studies proving the dark side of soy date back 100 years,’ says clinical nutritionist Kaayla Daniel, author of The Whole Soy Story (New Trends, 2005).
Soy is a $4 billion industry that successfully marketed its product to us. ‘The 1999 FDA-approved health claim pleased big business, despite massive evidence showing risks associated with soy, and against the protest of the FDA’s own top scientists.
“Unlike in Asia where people eat small amounts of whole soybean products, western food processors separate the soybean into two golden commodities–protein and oil. There’s nothing safe or natural about this,” Dr. Daniel says.
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“Today’s high-tech processing methods not only fail to remove the anti-nutrients and toxins that are naturally present in soybeans but leave toxic and carcinogenic residues created by the high temperatures, high pressure, alkali and acid baths and petroleum solvents,” she continues.
Soy such as tofu causes hypothyroidism and
• Premature puberty
• Cancer
• Brain damage
• Infertelity
• Allergies
You are so wrong, Anya. You have not researched Asia, especially Japan, Okinawa, China….. Very recently, an in-depth study of why the Okinawan people have so many healthy and active elderly, even centenarians, is due to their average consumption of two blocks of tofu per day, as well as sea vegetables. China, Japan, and other Asian countries did not have the cancer that they do now until they began the Western diet of meat and dairy. You need to see the entire scope of things. There is ample proof of the benefits of soy. But, now days, especially in the United States, the person needs to buy tofu produced from only organically grown soybeans, because 97% of those grown in the U.S. are GMO. Think and study.
A personalized approach is so important. Soy must be non-GMO, & organic. Amounts that are eaten need to be appropriate, Variety of plant-based proteins from beans are also a part of a healthy diet. Having Hashimoto’s does pose a problem with soy and raw cruciferous vegetables. Avoiding soy is recommended
Not sure that soy causes Hashimoto’s diseases. Blanket statements such as Kayla Daniels makes are not helpful. I do not recommend high soy intake for growing children.
Thank you Anya for your view on tofu. I have heard both sides. All in all ,we just have to do what we think is best for ourselves and families. We will continue to consume organic tofu regularly for we haven’t any noticeable problems that’s derived thereof, Different factors must be considered with each individual. Various illnessss & diseases can certainly come from gmo tofu, diseased cattle, air pollutants…. we’ll list goes on. Thanks and I appreciate your insight.
Valerie! Thank you so much for your kind words!
Thank you, Dr. Bolz! I was going to say: this feels like a propaganda piece for the SAD. She blocks all soy and tofu into one category, yet probably allows for variances with beef and dairy, etc. The more organic and less processed the soy, the better! But that goes for any food now, doesn’t it? 😉
Tofu isn’t scary. I hope you eat some well prepared tofu dishes soon so you’ll see for yourself!
Really? propaganda? Have you looked at the research yourself.
Anya you have me on your side – its not propaganda! Its bullsh*t – and soy is the worse product you can ever eat for your body – you are better off eating meat but if you don’t want to that is human’s choice being vegans or vegetarians(which I use to be vegetarian but haven’t been for 6 yrs now as I went back to eating meat) and yes, I’m a total animal lover of all animals but I also am very spiritual and believe not only in God & Christ but also study the Word of God daily and He told us what animals we can eat so I went back to eating meat anyway – as I wasn’t getting enough protein in my diet
Hi Mary! You are absolutely right! I am a born again Christian as well and I am with you on that!
I tend to avoid soy due to it’s GMO connections and the fact that is is destroying the Amazon with it’s plantations.
I too was on a spiritual path and became vegan BUT only ate whole foods and no ‘human made’ food sources. I became nutritionally sick and now have chronic nerve damage due to severe B12 deficiency and lack of Vitamin D. Unfortunately my diet was limited due to financial restraints with no vitamins or minerals for support or affordability for organic foods. Organic foods are also restricted in the South West England countryside!!!
I believe that any food eaten should be in moderation and a varied diet to bring in as much of a variety of nutrition as possible from organic sources. I became a meat eater again too. Also I read that the Dalil Lama eats meat. Again if we do it needs to be from a source whereby the animal has a good quality of life and is fed naturally and organically.
Your choice, your body and your life. But please try to make conscious choices for you and our planet’s lifeforms.
Soy is the worse product in the world to be eating – of any kind and yes I’m a certified nutritionist for both humans and pets — the whole industry has you all fooled especially vegans & vegetarians. I won’t even go into all the damages caused by food – and how the government forced farmers to produce this crap
Anya is actually correct it is the worse thing in the world for human beings to be eating. I’m tired of the BS out there especially with vegans & vegetarians. And yes, I was a vegetarian for 10yrs but I was fussy and hated all soy products including tofu and I actually wasn’t getting enough protein in my diet because I don’t like most beans and you cannot get specific nutrients from eating an all plant based diet anyway that you can get from meat, fish & eggs. God told us what animals we could eat and so I’ll listen to God’s Word before ever listening to man-kind words
I raised three healthy children who ate plenty of tofu throughout childhood and they are now in their 30’s. While in today’s world with more vegetarian options I would vary their vegetarian diet a wee bit more the organic tofu we consumed daily back then hasn’t seem to have any negative in their lives (they were also able to produce children). Today they continue to be vegetarian/vegan and continue to consume tofu pand are very healthy. That was my experience anyway.
Thank you so much Anya for sharing with us the wonderful information. We did not realise the effects of Tofu GMO to our bodies and our growing up children. This has opened our eyes to make more research on the subject, so as to help others. Knowledge is power. I would like thank everyone for sharing their views. May God bless you all
Hi, Anya, I for one am in absolute agreement with you. Several yrs. ago I decided to make my own milk rather than purchase ‘pasteurized’ milk. At that time, not a whole lot of information was available online (like now) so it was a difficult decision. I tried researching soy milk and soy milk makers and did find a little information, a couple from people I thought were trusted sources. Both differed in their opinions but after reading a couple other sites, I decided to do soy milk IF I could find organic soy beans. I was able to find them at a farm out in Iowa, and purchased a lot…can’t remember now the number of pounds, but a lot. I also spent many hrs. researching soymilk makers & the one I purchased was well over $100.00. Oh yes, it was also capable of making Tofu, although I never did. Neither my husband nor I cared for the taste, even after using a few additives, but had quite an investment so made it for awhile — nowhere near a yr. I was SO glad to stop the soymilk, which not only took a long time to make but was, as well, a difficult, time-consuming job of cleaning the machine.
I’m not a doctor, but for nearly 45 yrs. have studied nutrition and natural healing; I’ve got a library of books (of course, many now are outdated) and had learned so many wonderful ways to stay healthy, eating real food, exercising, some supplements, and avoiding medicines. As online health sites became more readily available, I was fortunate to find a few with wonderful up-to-date information which can be trusted and keeps me learning all the time. Sarah, thehealthyhomeeconomist always has excellent, detailed information and although it may not be what you want to hear, she’s usually right. Anya is another gal I’ve come to trust who offers lots of good advice and alerts about unhealthy things.
Back to the soy milk, tofu, Edamame, etc. If you check the above link, it should be enough proof about soy products that are promoted as being healthy. I’m hypothyroid, with stressed adrenals, so was truly thankful to have quit the soymilk when I did, after becoming aware of the hazards. There are other doctors online with the correct advice about soy products, although there is one who still promotes eating tofu and other soy products. But he also uses sugar, white flour, canola, and other unhealthy items. I think the posters above who disagree here need to do more research. For any readers who see this, and are still new with looking into a healthy lifestyle, please don’t fall for the naysayers above, and research for yourselves to find the truth.
Sorry this is so long and this may be a bit off topic, but those looking for milk alternatives, it’s so quick and easy to make coconut milk with shredded, dried, organic coconut and water, and also nut milks. (Nuts should be soaked first to remove the enzyme inhibitors and phytic acid.)
Ann! Thank you so much for sharing this!
We used to eat a LOT of organic tofu, and our special needs son, at age 10, gained 20 pounds on it. I met an Asian woman once whose husband had diabetes from too much soy. And a few years ago I developed an allergy to soy. After several years of abstinence and 15 years of being gluten free due to celiac, I now can very occasionally have a minimum amount of fermented soy. I have known many Asian people well over the years and they eat soy in tiny amounts and are amazed at American practices of eating it in bulk.
Interesting article. Good information. That said, I’m sure that a valid argument could be made for the health hazards of eating animal products. Nevertheless, humans have to eat something. I’m a vegetarian. Other than cheese I eat no animal products. However, my number one motivation is not my best welfare. It is the welfare of other sentient beings. We are all going to die at some point. I believe that sickness comes from karma. Some people will think that this believe is nonsense. Is is any more so than an invisible man in the sky told us what animals are okay to exploit for food? I think not. Everyone will be eating exactly what they are supposed to be eating on their karmic path.
The more controversial, the more comments. One size does not fit all. My rule of thumb all things in moderation.