It’s no secret that collagen does wonders for your body! Collagen is the glue that holds our bodies together. Collagen is one of the most vital proteins your body needs to function.
Collagen supports the structure and integrity of your skin, muscle tissue, bones and tendons. Did you know that collagen can be used to replenish hair loss and make for stronger hair?
By adding a scoop of collagen powder to my morning smoothie every day for six weeks, I saw visible changes, my hair started growing like a weed.
Collagen is great for thickening and regrowing hair, eyelashes and eyebrows
Increases Elasticity
Hair follicle cells use amino acids to produce keratin protein and since collagen is an amino acid, it helps promote hair growth, strength and elasticity. Thanks to its ability to naturally nourish, my hair started looking super shiny and smooth, with a silky soft texture.
Collagen supports a healthy digestive tract. It ensures maximum protein absorption – thus, healthier hair.
Many studies have found that collagen helps with reducing hair breakage and split ends. Collagen supplements are a great way to deal with dry, brittle hair. Collagen helps restore your hair’s moisture levels. It repairs split ends and promotes its overall health.
Promotes Hair Growth
Collagen increases blood circulation in your body thus increasing the blood flow to your scalp. It gives your hair follicles all the nutrients they need which in turn helps your hair grow faster.
Regenerates the Follicle
Collagen contains anti-oxidant properties that fight against damage from every day toxins. Collagen reverses the effects caused by free radicals. These free radicals damage the hair follicles resulting in hair loss. Collagen fights the free radicals, allowing hair to grow normally.
How to use it
Just take one tablespoon a day. You mix it with any beverage or just plain water.
Wheatgrass can’t take very constipated
Horrible. Cut it back to 1/2 tlbs still horrible
Had to stop
Now the collagen works well seems to give some
Energy hair alittle not growing like a weed
Are there any side effects?
I am taking thyroid medication… will that be a problem?
No, there is no problem with taking thyroid medication and collagen together.
I was told that shipping would be free, but have been charged £32 for shipping!
Hi Meher! It is free in the US. International shipping is not free unfortunately.
I am from the Philippines, Olongapo City, to be exact, where can I buy organic collagen powder here. I really want to try it for my thinning hair and as a supplement. I’m 63. Appreciate the reply soonest. Thank u.
Hi Nenita! We ship to the Philippines.