One major drawback of modernity is the large amount of toxic contaminants we are exposed to daily. One such category of toxic contaminants is heavy metals, which have been linked to serious health disorders such as heart disease, cancer, brain tissue deterioration, kidney disease, lung disease and skeletal disorders. Fortunately, there are natural substances that effectively draw out and remove these heavy metals from our body. One such substance is cilantro. It is a very effective, yet mild detoxifier of heavy metals and other toxic substances.
Cilantro can Remove 80% of Heavy Metals from the Body
Cilantro is a proven antiseptic, antifungal and anti-inflammatory agent. It is high is vitamins A and K, as well as minerals potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron and manganese.
How to Use Cilantro
Simply add a handful of fresh, organic cilantro to any smoothie or recipe you enjoy. Do so daily.
Cilantro Inflammation-Busting Recipe
1/2 c packed chopped fresh organic cilantro
1/2 c organic apple juice
1/2 c water
1 teaspoon wheatgrass powder (or any other super green powder)
Mix in a blender until smooth.
Take Spirulina
It’s full of minerals, enzymes, antioxidants and amino acids. Bathing in spirulina helps revitalize, nourish and soften the skin. It is thought to usher along detoxification by flushing fluids from the cells and replacing them with all the good stuff in spirulina.
Add the following to a warm bath:
½ cup spirulina, mixed in a pitcher of warm water (where to find)
½ cup sea salt
5 drops essential oil (I like to use a mixture of lime, bergamot and grapefruit). (where to find)
Why Take Spirulina Daily
Did you know that the average person by the time they are in their mid-thirties has a pineal gland that looks more like a small, hard, fluoride-based pebble. It is filled with fluoride and basically dead. It in turn, damages the liver and kidneys, weakens the immune system (possibly leading to cancer) and creates symptoms that mimic fibromyalgia. So how do people improve the toxic impact on our pineal gland and overall body? Spirulina. Where to find organic pure spurulina
Sources for this article include:
Would dried cilantro work effectively, as well as fresh ?
Hi Sigrid! No, it has to be fresh
Are the wheatgrass and spirulina powders recommended in this article free of the top 8 allergens, including shellfish and tree nuts?
Hi Katie! Yes, they are all free of allergens. Spirulina is not an ocean algae. It is a fresh water micro plant like organism with no muscle tissue, thus no muscle proteins.
Also be extremely careful using cilantro tincture. I nearly went to hospital with heavy metal poisoning from using only 10 drops, no joke. It is absolutely essential that you take a binding agent like Chlorella algae or zeolithe a half hour before ingesting the tincture so the Mercury that instantly gets mobilized and passed through the bike into your intestinal tract can get absorbed, otherwise it will resorb through the gut lining and now circulate in your blood, cross the blood brain barrier and cause severe symptoms of mercury poisoning. Don’t fool with this like I did. Cilantro is the most powerful mercury releaser out there. Humbled by nature…