Bacon is one of the most popular breakfast foods in America and perhaps the most popular foods overall. Unfortunately, bacon has held a bad reputation for many years. The claims that bacon causes high cholesterol and ultimately leads to heart disease and other health issues are not true. In fact, almost half of the fat in bacon is…
30-Second Homemade Olive Oil Mayonnaise (That’s Actually Good for You)
It’s actually shockingly difficult to find mayonnaise in the supermarket that isn’t filled with harmful ingredients. Let’s take a look at some of these ingredients: Soybean oil, water, whole eggs and egg yolks, vinegar, salt, sugar, lemon juice, calcium disodium edta, natural flavors.
5 Reasons to Use Soap Nuts Instead of Laundry Detergent
Most laundry detergents are toxic. Popular detergent brands contain over 25 extremely toxic chemicals, with many more substances left unlisted. According to a 2011 study in Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health, scented laundry detergents contain a huge load of harmful chemicals, including carcinogens, natural or manmade cancer-causing substances. Even most “natural” laundry detergent brands contain…
Say Goodbye to Visible Aging with the Most Effective Oil For Skin Tightening
Essential oils have been deeply rooted in the world of skincare for centuries. They possess antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, which help promote skin tightening, smoothing out its appearance and providing a more youthful look.
The Bra No Woman Should Wear
Most of us wear our bras all day – at work, at home, going out, exercising. We consider our bra a vital part of our everyday dress code. But aside from helping us look good and giving us support, have you ever thought about how your bra can affect your breast health?
The Toxic Truth About NyQuil that Will Make You Cringe
NyQuil is one of the most popular over-the-counter (OTC) cold and flu treatments. It’s sold under the Vicks brand, and comes in various forms and flavors. It’s designed to ease nighttime cold and flu symptoms. It is usually considered safe and effective but unfortunately, nothing could be further from the truth.
Homemade Grapefruit Cream: The Miracle Cellulite Remedy
Did you know that several essential oils can help in reducing the appearance of cellulite? Grapefruit essential oil is a great diuretic and lymphatic stimulant. When used topically, grapefruit essential oil can not only promote your body to get rid of excess water weight, but it also forces your body to move those toxins out.
Does High Cholesterol Even Matter?
For over half a century we’ve been constantly told that cholesterol is bad. Most people I talk to about their cholesterol numbers are understandably worried about their levels. And this does not surprise me. The American Heart Association has successfully convinced us that higher cholesterol levels are associated with heart disease. They’ve been pushing this…
What Happens to Your Body When You Eat Oatmeal (and it’s not good)
What will happen to your body if you eat OATS daily ? The answers might surprise you! Most people think of oatmeal as one of the healthiest choices to start your day. After all, we’ve been told that this whole grain is an excellent source of dietary fiber and is associated with a reduced risk…
Stop Using Neosporin
What do most people usually use to treat an open cut or a wound? Due to Johnson & Johnson’s clever marketing, many people go for Neosporin. Neosporin was launched in the 1950s in the United States. However, it was approved for medical use in the United States in 1971. So why should we avoid this…