If you noticed, Vitamin Water is marketed as a healthy drink by Coca Cola. But it isn’t much different from drinking a soda. In fact, it contains 32 grams of sugar. In the US, Vitaminwater is sweetened with crystalline fructose. Crystalline fructose is worse for your health, as it’s almost pure fructose — over 98%. The amount of sugar in every bottle of Vitaminwater is equivalent to what popular soda brands like Coke have. Studies find that consuming high amounts of fructose may cause high blood cholesterol, increased blood pressure, fat build up around the organs, and an increased risk of fatty liver disease. Unfortunately, Vitaminwater is filled with harmful and toxic ingredients.
Other Toxic Ingredients:
1. Red Dye 40
In one study done on rats, it was discovered that Red Dye 40 lowers reproductive success and even decreased chances for survival for the newborn rats. Other studies have found that Red Dye 40 causes hyperactivity in children, immune system tumors in rats, and it can be cancer causing.
2. Blue Dye 1
Did you know countries including Norway, Finland, and France have banned these dyes, likely because they have been linked to brain cancer? Additionally, the blue dyes could harm the gastrointestinal system, and could inhibit cell respiration which, in turn, could lead to ADHD, allergies, and asthma.
3. Added Vitamins
Taking in excess vitamins, especially some of those in Vitaminwater (which are probably synthetically made) is not always beneficial. In fact, more vitamins than needed can cause some of the following side effects:
- Vitamin A— Large amounts can lead to bone pain and even damage your liver.
- B-Complex—Excess Vitamin B-3 can cause liver damage and B-6 can cause nerve damage.
- Vitamin C—Too much vitamin C can cause kidney stones.
- Vitamin E— Too much Vitamin E thins out the blood and can increase your chance of internal bleeding.
In other words, you’re much better off acquiring your vitamins from whole foods than from sugary drinks.
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