It might be surprising to you, but ADHD drugs aren’t safe. They can cause permanent health damage in young children. These mind-altering medications can potentially lead to long-term brain damage. (source)
In fact, ADHD drugs neither improve school achievement nor get rid of behavior problems.
Psychologist L. Alan Sroufe addressed this in a 2012 opinion piece for The New York Times, warned about the long-term use of ADHD medications,
“To date, no study has found any long-term benefit of attention-deficit medication on academic performance, peer relationships or behavior problems, the very things we would most want to improve,” added Sroufe. “Putting children on drugs does nothing to change the conditions that derail their development in the first place.”
ADHD drugs greatly decrease academic performance in children
Researchers from Princeton University, Cornell University and the University of Toronto discovered that administration of these drugs to children makes them less attentive and productive in a formal academic environment when the purpose of the drugs was to help them remain calm and focused in class.
Adderall is Similar to Crystal Meth
Adderall is an amphetamine drug, the class of drugs commonly referred to as speed or meth, which is highly addictive. Adderall is linked with heart attack and sudden death in children and young adults according to a newly released study at the New York Medical College of Family Medicine.
Dr. Carl Hart, an associate professor of psychology and psychiatry at Columbia University who specializes in substance abuse and addiction, compared the prescription drug Adderall, used to treat ADHD, with crystal meth. He found that these two drugs are pretty much the same thing.
The Journal of Neuroscience published a study, stating that both drugs”excite the central nervous system in nearly identical ways, flooding and blocking dopamine, serotonin, and adrenaline receptors.”
( you can find it here)
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