The prominent scientist Dr. Otto H. Warburg who discovered the real cause of cancer, has found that the root cause of cancer is oxygen deficiency. Oxygen deficiency causes an acidic state of the body.
“All normal cells have an absolute requirement for oxygen, but cancer cells can live without oxygen” – this is a rule without exception. “Deprive a cell 35% of its oxygen for 48 hours and it may become cancerous.
Because of this, the pH levels must be balanced to avoid and prevent cancer. This is why You need to take wheatgrass.
Wheatgrass is an Amazing SUPER FOOD that is loaded with essential vitamins and minerals (including thirteen essential ones and dozens of trace elements and enzymes). Wheat grass proponent Charles Schnabel claimed in the 1940s that “fifteen pounds of wheat grass is equal in overall nutritional value to 350 pounds of ordinary garden vegetables”, a ratio of 1:23. It is also a great source of Chlorophyll, which has been shown to naturally restore the body’s pH levels. Since most people, due to diet and environment, have an overly acidic body composition, the Alkalizing benefits of Wheat Grass (find it here) are numerous and impactful.
Due to the Amazing properties of Wheat Grass, it can offer the following health benefits:
Nutrients: Wheatgrass (find it here) contains ALL minerals known to man (Iron, zinc, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, sodium and selenium are all present in wheat grass in at least trace amounts). Plus:
Vitamins A, B-complex, C, E, I & K.
Protein: Wheat Grass is extremely rich in protein and contains 17 Amino Acids (the building blocks of protein)
Oxygenates the body: Chlorophyll creates a highly oxygenated environment in your body which helps increase Alkaline pH levels and helps eliminate Acidosis (a common problem in our society due to an overly acidic diet and environmental carcinogens). Cancer cells thrive in an acidic environment but cease to exist in Alkaline environments. Chlorophyll also helps:
Detoxify the body
Helps prevent premature aging (due to antioxidant capabilities and presence of super-oxide dismutase)
Antioxidants: such as flavonoids and Phenolic Acid help eliminate toxins and increases immunity and energy. Wheatgrass is a natural liver cleanser and blood strengthener.
Digestion and Gut Health: Enzymes help to support overall gut health. Also, has been shown to help treat hyperlipidemia.
Taking Wheat Grass: Add 1 tablespoon (once per day) to any liquid drink (even plain water), soup, juice, smoothie, dip, sauce, etc.
Safety: While generally considered safe, most efficacy and safety information come from the testimony of long term users not long term scientific studies. Overall, wheat grass should be considered safe for all people (some individuals with grass allergies have reported adverse reactions such as swelling in the throat and nausea). If you are pregnant you should consult your physician before taking any dietary supplements including Wheat grass.
Try Living Traditionally’s Organic Wheat grass from the Living Traditionally Store
If you are an athlete, trying to lose weight and/or gain muscle consider adding both Wheat Grass and Organic Spirulina Powder from Living Traditionally for an energy inducing supplement loaded with Proteins and Amino Acids (from vegan sources). It will also help balance pH levels and fight free radicals as these products are loaded with antioxidants as well!
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Hi i have been suffering from fibrocisty breast disease for 22yrs now. What diet can you advice. Pain mostly 2weeks to my periods. Am now 41yrs.
Hi Virginia! I am sorry to hear this. I would definitely recommend supplementing with collagen like this It will help with your joint and muscle pain. Also, you must stay away from gluten. It’s one of the causes.
I have been living with colorectal cancer for 2 yrs now having chemotherapy every fortnight I had a colostomy before being diagnosed. My tumour is inoperable but I am extremely well having no real side effects from chemo and use coconut oil and turmeric as part of my diet.
Do you have any suggestions for my cancer
Hi Anne! I am sorry to hear about your cancer! Send me an email!
Yes ANN, A new, well 10yr old medical cure. Its called ABLATION. Thermal or freezing the tumours,
It has a great success rate especially on small tumours.
But getting better on more difficult cancers. Like Pancreatic areas, Liver, Bladder.
Talk or demand your Doctor looks into this.. Plus very little side affects…
Yes, wheatgrass is wonderful. I ordered it from your store and have swished with the juice. I have gingivitis; my dentist recommended a periodontist to whom I have not gone, hoping I could find a natural cure. I tried Thieves essential oil to no avail. But now! The gum pockets are closing. I’m very hopeful/praying this also helps my husband’s gums.
Thank you so much, Anya. Your site has been so helpful to me. I’ve shared it on Facebook.
I ordered the bovine collagen also and find it is constipating! I’m disappointed.
Hi Vivian! Thank you so much for your kind words! And thank you for supporting my products! Wheatgrass should definitely help. Just make sure to do it 3 times a day and be consistent. Email me if you have any questions. The collagen should not cause constipation. Try half a tablespoon a day. It really does wonders!
Great Article Anya – you and I should collaborate together as I do all this information for dogs & cats for health and homeopathy! I am a certified Homeopath as well but I take care of my own pets more as I’m a very busy person who is also a certified animal behaviorist & dog trainer for almost 35yrs now(well over 40yrs if you want to count the first dog I ever trained as a kid LOL)
Anyway I was wondering if you can help me out on your article – do you know the different between Wheat Grass that you promote verses taking Organic Norwegian Sea Kelp. They both seem very similar or even better yet – Wheat Grass vs the Norwegian Sea Kelp and Spirulina?