Stomach acid tends to get bad press as it’s believed to be the cause of many digestive symptoms; and consequently, we take medications that suppress its secretion. There are multiple studies supporting the theory that suppressing stomach acid does not treat the problem. In fact, acid-suppressing medication interferes with the body’s natural ability to regular…
The Dangerous Ingredient in Your Almond Milk
If you buy almond milk because you prefer not to drink cow’s milk or you are lactose intolerant, you might be consuming more than almonds and water. On your nutrition label of most store bought brands, you will more than likely see the following ingredients:
Most Balsamic Vinegar is Fake (What You Need to Be looking For)
If you’re in the market for balsamic vinegar, you should definitely pay close attention to the labels the next time you’re at the grocery store. Not all balsamic vinegars are created equal. Did you know that most of times you find fake balsamic vinegar in the USA, even if it is sometimes very expensive or…
Your Mascara is Very Toxic. Make Your Own Homemade Mascara
Did you you there are many dangerous chemicals in mascara and they can end up on your skin, your eyes, and in the oil glands of your eyelids? In case you didn’t know, the United States has not passed a law to regulate the ingredients used in the beauty industry since 1938. Under current law, the…
Your Salt is Treated with Bleach that Strips Away All The Minerals
For years salt has been made into somewhat of a villain as it’s been associated with hypertension and heart disease. A meta-analysis of over 6,250 patients found there was no actual link between salt intake, high blood pressure and risk of heart disease. In fact, we need salt to stay alive. It’s an essential nutrient the human…
This is Why The “Beyond Burger” is Beyond Unhealthy
Beyond Meat is marketed as the vegan burger that will save the world. But is it really healthy and good for the planet as the marketing and media portrait it to be? Being a nutritionist, I am an ingredient stickler, so you can guess what my thoughts are on the long list of ingredients found…
These Brands of Sunscreen Contain Large Amounts of Known-Carcinogens
Due to convincing marketing strategies, we think that sunscreen is our best protection from aging and skin cancer. But before you buy any sunscreen products, make sure to examine your sunscreen because most conventional sunscreen brands cause more damage than good. Independent pharmaceutical testing company Valisure found that 78 lots of sunscreens and sun care…
Stop Drinking Oat Milk
Oat milk is becoming very popular in the US, second only to almond milk. While oat milk is considered a good plant-based milk alternative, is it really that healthy?
Toss Out Your Plastic Utensils Immediately
Cooking utensils can seem insignificant compared to pots and pans. However, choosing a non toxic material for cooking utensils are as important as choosing materials for your cookware. It turns out the plastic spatula you’ve been using to flip your food, could be damaging your liver and thyroid.
The Dish Soap You Should Never Use
We’d like to believe that the soap we use to clean our dishes is safe for our bodies and our homes. Unfortunately, if you are buying any conventional dish soaps, you are probably bringing a great amount of chemicals into your home.