There are several reasons that people love their cast iron pans. Besides the fact that cast iron pans are very affordable and long lasting, they are actually good for your health. Since they are made our of iron, cast-iron pans release iron with every cooking cycle. Our bodies need iron to make hemoglobin in red…
The FDA finally admitted certain antibiotics are highly dangerous and life threatening
Antibiotics are drugs used for treating infections caused by bacteria. Antibiotics have saved countless lives, but scientist are becoming very concerned with their side effects and resistances. Misuse and overuse of these drugs, have created an antibiotic resistance. This resistance develops when harmful bacteria mutate or adapt in a way that reduces or eliminates the…
5 Cancer Causing Foods You Should Never Put in Your Mouth Again
Do you ever think about the foods you eat on a daily basis? Do you ever read the ingredient label? Unfortunately, most of us don’t. However, reading the ingredient label is the number one way to know what’s food you are eating and how processed it is.
The Top 5 Most Toxic Cookware (and what you should use instead)
IS YOUR COOKWARE POISONING YOU? The type of cookware you use on a daily basis can make you sick or make you healthier. Using nontoxic cookware is a crucial step in keeping your family healthy and safe. Let’s look at these 5 top toxic cookware you should never use.
Pumpkin seeds are believed to improve heart health, sleep, lower blood sugar levels and prevent cancer.
Have you been throwing away your pumpkin seeds ? You are not alone; most of us do. Most people don’t see any nutritional value in them, when, in fact, they are one of nature’s healthiest foods.
Dangerous dog food? Reports Confirm Purina is Poisoning, Killing Thousands of Dogs
Do you have your dog’s food label in front of you? Do you trust the ingredients? It’s crucial to give your dogs whole unprocessed foods. Most people blindly trust the marketing slogans and efforts of massive dog food companies such as Beneful® . We all know the fun colorful TV ads that make dog owners to…
Why You Shouldn’t Take Emergen C or Airborne: The Real Truth
As we enter into the fall and winter season, millions will take supplemental vitamin C for immunity and/or to fight off seasonal colds and flus. However, almost all commercial brands of supplemental vitamin C use ascorbic acid as a vitamin C supplement in their products (ascorbic acid is a water-soluble synthetic vitamin C made from…
Why Hyaluronic Acid Is the Secret to Younger-Looking Skin
Let’s face it… we all want to have eternally beautiful and youthful looking skin. Who doesn’t right? It seems every year we see aging women with unlimited means (like the rich and famous) look younger and younger while we simply just age. It seems unfair but not surprising. After all, they can afford access to…
Tylenol Is By Far The Most Dangerous Drug Ever Made
One of the most common medical misconceptions is that over-the-counter medication (OTC) is safe and its prescription drugs that are dangerous. However, in fact, there are tens of thousands of calls to poison control centers each year about concerns related to OTC medications and overdose. Many of these are related to overdoses of OTC pain…
This Mushroom Stimulates Nerve Growth & May Reverse Alzheimer’s Symptoms
The health benefits of Lingzhi or reishi mushroom, are unbelievable. It’s widely known as the “mushroom of immortality” and the “king of herbs”. Taking the reishi mushroom in proper dosage helps your body to reset your health to its optimal health. Reishi mushrooms are able to reverse cell damage due to powerful antioxidant and antiaging…