Our skin is our body’s largest organ. What we put on our bodies absorbs directly into our cells and our health. Just as you can absorb vitamins and minerals through the skin, you can also absorb chemicals. Overtime toxic chemicals accumulate leading to irreversible damage. In fact, it takes as little as 26 seconds for…
If You Drink Coffee, Stay Away from This Kind
If you drink decaffeinated coffee daily or even occasionally, you’ll want to know this: A report is showing that most of the best-selling decaf coffee brands contain the active ingredient in paint stripper, which comes with a ton of potential dangers for your health.
Agave: The Sweetener that is Worse than Sugar
This might be shocking but Agave is actually bad for you. For years Agave was marketed as a healthy natural sweetener and the best sugar substitute. Unfortunately, this is not the case. In fact, agave nectar has more concentrated fructose in it than high fructose corn syrup. Now, let’s take a closer look.
Over 70 Health Destroying Ingredients in Your Most Popular McDonald’s Item
Though it’s not a regular item on their menu and only appears for a limited-time, the McDonald’s McRib has become very popular throughout the years. However, if you’ve eaten a few of the McRibs over the years, you may want to know what exactly goes in those seemingly innocent sandwiches, because it turns out that…
Why You Should Start Your Day with a Cup of Bone Broth
The first thing you put into your body in the morning is what provides nutrients, energy, and wakens up the digestive system as an empty stomach can absorb more nutrients. This is why a cup of bone broth is a perfect way to start your day!
Most mattresses can contain toxic chemicals that can cause cancer. How to Limit Their Dangers
We spend 1/3 of our lives in bed, but how can we sleep safely when the mattresses we use are full of toxic chemicals? Did you know that in the 1950s, mattresses were made from natural materials, like cotton batting? Unfortunately, mattresses today are made from petroleum-based materials that are linked with weakening the immune…
#1 Children’s Vitamins are Loaded with GMO’s, Artificial Colors and Aluminum
Kids vitamins are supposed to be healthy, right? Well, not when it comes to the #1 pediatrician recommended brand – Flinstone vitamins. Made by the billion dollar drug company Bayer, this ultra popular brand uses a shocking list of unhealthy ingredients. These vitamins are very toxic and harming your kids.
Why Touching a Grocery Receipt is Highly Toxic
You probably never wondered about your store receipts, and honestly, why would you? After all, it’s just a small innocent piece of paper, right? Not, so much. Most receipts are coated in BPA, a toxin known to cause infertility and cancer. Paper receipts are “thermal” paper, printed via a heat process which requires a pretty…
What Happens To Your Teeth When You Brush with Sea Salt and Baking Soda
Have you ever tried brushing your teeth with baking soda and sea salt? Brushing your teeth with some sea salt and baking soda is a safe and natural way to keep your teeth and gums strong, break down plaque buildup, and protect against bad breath. Used as a teeth cleaner for over 150 years, baking…
This is for Everyone Who Still Goes to Starbucks
In case you’ve ever wondered how many ingredients are in your cup of Starbucks, you may be shocked to find that some drinks have over 15 unnecessary ingredients. Do you ever pay attention to the ingredients in your food? There is one particular food additive that is finding its way into many things that we…