I can’t say enough how important cholesterol is. Your body makes cholesterol because it is so incredibly vital, the body cannot leave it to chance that you would consume it. Did you know that you would die instantly without cholesterol? Cholesterol is a fundamental part of every cell in your body.
What is cholesterol
Cholesterol is a fatty substance essential to many metabolic processes. Cholesterol is utterly important because it makes hormones like estrogen, testosterone and adrenal hormones, helps your metabolism work efficiently. Cholesterol is needed by your body to produce vitamin D and make bile acids, which help the body digest fat and absorb important nutrients.
Pointing to an extensive data analysis published at Medium.com new analysis evaluated by American Thinker‘s Thomas Lifson confirms the fact that cholesterol is not a cause of heart attacks. In fact, cholesterol helps to protect against heart attacks, leading to the conclusion that statin drugs are actually harmful for your body.
Statin scam and heart disease
Pharmaceutical companies have altered the definition of high cholesterol in order to promote cholesterol medications on people.
The Real Cause of High Cholesterol
In fact, all of this useless focus on high cholesterol is taking away our attention from the real cause of heart disease which is inflammation & Sugar. Chronic inflammation is a major predictor of coronary artery disease. Studies found that high levels of CRP (inflammation) puts you at twice the risk of dying from cardiovascular-related problems as those with high cholesterol.
Consider this:
- The hypothetical connection between high levels of total cholesterol and heart disease has never been proven.
- Cholesterol levels are a poor predictor of heart attacks. 50% of heart attack victims have high levels, and 50% of people who have high cholesterol do not have heart disease.
- Recent studies found statin drugs can cause diabetes, a major risk factor for heart disease.
- There is no evidence that fat and cholesterol cause heart disease
- There is no evidence suggesting that a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol prevents heart disease
Take Wheatgrass. Wheatgrass is probably the most effective food for any heart issues (here)
has all nine essential amino acids, hundreds of vitamins and minerals and a high fiber content. It detoxifies the body and helps control high blood pressure. In a 2011 study from Acta Poloniae Pharmaceutica, scientists discovered that treatment with wheatgrass juice helped reduce total cholesterol and LDL cholesterolin rats with abnormally high cholesterol levels. Just take one tablespoon daily!
I’m confused! The whole premise of this story is that cholesterol doesn’t cause heart disease. Then it finishes with wheatgrass lowering cholesterol! Do we need to lower our cholesterol or not??