Have you ever thought why and how a microwave was invented? During World War II, two scientists invented a tube which they called the magnetron. It was able to produce microwaves. They used these microwaves along with the British radar system to to find Nazi warplanes on their mission to bomb the British Isles.
Several years later, Percy LeBaron Spencer of the Raytheon Company by accident discovered that microwaves can actually cook food. He realized that radar waves had melted a candy bar in his pocket. And that’s how the first microwave was created.
According to a growing body of evidence, microwave ovens put our health in danger.
Health dangers of a microwave oven and microwave meals
Birth defects
Cataracts- due to our eyes lack of blood vessels to dissipate the cellular stress and heat from the microwave
Weakens our immune system
Lowered resistance to viral and bacterial infections
Leads to other serious diseases
As stated in the book, “Electromagnetic Health: Making Sense of the Research and Practical Solutions for Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) and Radio Frequencies (RF),” written by a naturopath, Case Adams:
“Research … at the University of California Lawrence Livermore Laboratory concluded that microwaves produced heterocyclic aromatic amines and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Both are suspected carcinogens. Frying meats also produces polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons …”
What does the microwave oven do to our food
- chemical and molecular bonds breakage
- depletes food of its nutrients
- destroys the molecules in the food, creating dangerous radioactive compounds in microwave meals
In 1992, a study from the Search for Health, researched the effects of participants that consumed microwaved vegetables
They saw that it
Rapidly increased cholesterol levels
Decreased hemoglobin which caused an anemic-like conditions
Decreased white blood cells
You get exposed to dangerous levels of electromagnetic fields even if you never open your microwave. EMF can penetrate human bodies causing serious health problems.
The EPA recommends limited exposure to EMF of .5mG – 2.5mG. Did you know that if you stand 4 inches from your food cooking in the microwave, you will be exposed to 100 – 500mG.
Depending on your proximity to a microwave oven, the radiation levels can be thousands of times more powerful than your cell phone. This biological damage is extremely dangerous.
Microwaves are definitely very convenient but you are sacrificing the nutritional value of your food and the health of your family.
Here is what you can do to get rid of build up radiation in your body
Take Spirulina
According to several strong scientific studies, spirulina (find it here) helps support healthy detoxification of radiation and heavy metals from the body because it naturally binds to heavy metals which are carried out of the body through natural processes of elimination. You can take chlorella in capsule form, or just add it to smoothies.
My doctor told me that microwaves denature the proteins in our foods which can be dangerous to us because the denatured proteins could cause an inflammatory responce within our bodies. It could even cause an autoimmune condition to flare up. To explain a bit about denatured proteins, think about what happens to milk when it is heated too hot. The denatured proteins stick together and float on top of the milk in the form of a layer of scum. It has changed from the normal protein molecule that is the protein in milk. The human immune system may recognize the denatured protein molecule as ‘the enemy’ and then fire up the bodies immune responces.
We got rid of our microwave years ago due to health concerns. Now I am hearing that 5G is microwave radiation in the air that you will be exposed to. Hmm 🙁