As you may have heard, Autism has been increasingly diagnosed in American children in recent years. As of 2014, 1 in 68 children have a diagnosis within the autism spectrum. This translates to about 1.5% of American children overall. The effects of autism on the daily lives of these children are profound. Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder that impairs both verbal and non-verbal communication. It has also been associated with repetitive behavior as well as other social dysfunctional issues.
Dr. Stephanie Cave, in her book titled What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Children’s Vaccinations, “the biggest improvement comes when the toxic metals are removed from the children’s bodies. We have seen nearly complete recovery in many 2 to seven-year-old children”. Which means, that the root cause of the autistic behavior is the presence of heavy and toxic metals in the children’s bodies. So, what can parent do (aside form avoiding heavy vaccination schedules in young children and babies) to reduce the level of medals in their children body?
As it turns out, essential oils can contribute in a substantial way to the removal of unwanted metals from the human body. One of the best way to administer these oils to your children is through aroma therapy. When inhaled, the aroma compounds which carry with it the healing and cleansing properties needed, are absorbed by our lungs and enter our bloodstream. Essential oils such as Vetiver are powerful antioxidants and can significantly increase oxygen in the brain.
For both ADHD/ADD and autism, improvements can be achieved by stimulating the limbic region of the brain. Since smell is tied directly to the brains emotional and hormonal centers, aromatherapy is ideal for limbic stimulation. In a two-year study by Dr. Terry Friedman (1999-2001), significant improvement was noticed after essential oils such as Vetiver, Cedarwood and Lavender were inhaled.
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Essential Oils to Help with Autism and ADHD
In 2001, a study done by Dr. Terry Friedman found that vetiver oil is effective in treating children with ADHD.
The study found that the relaxing and calming properties of vetiver oil helped the children combat their ADHD and ADD symptoms
Vetiver has quieting and relaxing properties that can help calm an overactive, exhausted and stressed mind. For this reason, it can also help children who display aggressive, irritable or neurotic behavior.
Cedarwood, helps to stimulate the pituitary and pineal glands. Also, because it can raise melatonin levels naturally, it can help with sleep disorders.
Frankincense helps to regenerate cells and can also have calming and relaxing properties.
Lastly, Lavender oil (which is ideal for adding to baths before bedtime) not only helps with skin health, but is very relaxing and can help autistic children calm down for nighttime.
As always, speak to your child’s physician before adding essential oils to their routine. But be sure to try these natural and side-affect free oils as they can greatly improve both the symptoms and direction of your child’s disorder.
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References :
Althea Press, Essential Oils : Natural Remedies, 2015. Althea Press, Berkeley, CA.
Battaglia, Salvatore, The Complete Guide to Aromatherapy, Second Edition, 2003. The International Centre of Holistic Aromatherapy, Brisbane, Australia
Cooksley, Valerie Gennari, Aromatherapy : A Holistic Guide to Natural Healing with Essential Oils, 2015. Floramed Publishing, The Woodlands, TX.
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