Making fire cider for the winter! It’s so easy and cost efficient! Every winter I take a daily shot in the to keep me healthy. It’s perfect to combat flu season! Fire cider is an immune boosting, flu busting, digestive supporting, energy providing, respiratory clearing, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant tonic. It is made of apple cider vinegar, root vegetables, herbs and spices that work together in synergy to boost the immune system. Apple cider vinegar has been used for centuries as a tonic for its incredible health benefits, including its antimicrobial qualities, minerals, beneficial bacteria, live enzymes, and B vitamins.
FIRE CIDER RECIPE: Take it daily agains pathogens like colds, flu and respiratory infections.
Additionally, take Vitamin C this winter. Recent research found that taking vitamin C supplements along with zinc helps to shorten the duration of cold and flu infections.
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